Tuesday, December 13, 2022

No Title Tuesday

Every so often kitty will sleep all/most of the night with us, but most of the time, 5 minutes after I go to bed he's meowing for me to take him upstairs, LOL. But, 2 of out of the last 3 nights he slept all night. Last night he followed me into the bedroom, but then left after I got into bed. He came back when dh came to bed around 12:30am and snuggled in next to me and slept until 5:30. Then he got down. I was expecting lots of meowing, but he just meowed a bit and then apparently went somewhere and waited or kept busy until I got up at 6:55. I'm kind of preferring he doesn't sleep with me, haha. He likes to curl up against my chest and then I feel like I can't move all night because if I do I'll disturb him and he'll then want me to take him upstairs. The things we put up with for our pets.

I saw K started training her new caregiver she hired. She was with her when she came at 6:30 to do mom's meds and K did get mom to change into her nightgown. I heard mom try to say she'll do it herself, but then I heard K say "your daughter wanted me to help you with it", so she agreed. K just showed up for this mornings help, but she is by herself. Maybe because this morning is a shower morning and K does those. The new gal looks pretty young. I think K did say she's young, but she also worked her last caregiver job for 2 years, which K said is impressive as there is a lot of turnover in the caregiving business.

Did I mention that my "trick" of covering up the off button on mom's heating unit seems to be working well? K says it is helping and when I got to her apartment on Sunday it was actually really comfortable in there for a change. I have a feeling (and I hoped) that by not turning it off and on all the time, she is able to keep her apartment at a more normal level and not such drastic changes, because she would walk back in after being gone an hour or so for a meal and it's freezing, so she'd turn it on and crank it up to 90!

I thought UPS was coming today, so I was going to send out a package with him. A Christmas gift to our friends in Texas. I'm making the guy peanut butter cookies (his favorite) and had picked up his wife some cute salt and pepper shakers. So, I planned to make some cookies quickly later this morning and get the package ready for this afternoon. I logged into UPS to double check and while it says scheduled for delivery today, when I looked at the shipment progress it shows what we are expecting is still in transit to our nearby distribution hub, so now it won't be until tomorrow. So, I'll make cookies tomorrow then.

I was just looking at the weather forecast. The low for next Thursday, the 22nd.....MINUS 25 degrees! Brr. I don't think it's been that cold since we've lived here. -10 or so, but not -25.

And sometimes I sit here, with this blog post open, trying to finish it and all's it needs is a title and I can't think of one!


  1. I love a kitty anecdote!! He is a character!

    1. He is a character, I need to start sharing more pictures of him :)

  2. It is amazing how saying "your daughter" makes you mother very compliant! I would hate a cat sleeping with me or having me carry it up to bed, but I love hearing about yours.

    1. thank goodness she's still compliant. It sounds like so many are not and that makes it even so much harder to deal with.

  3. Are you getting all that snow we keep hearing about in the East? Cats seem to take over and we humans do what they want.

    1. My dh keeps a measurement of how much snow we've gotten. While we don't have this much on the ground (due to compacting and melting some) he says we have already gotten like a total of 30 inches of snow. We currently have about 1 foot on the ground.

  4. Anne Brew

    - 25 Fahrenheit translates to -32 Centigrade - which we use - is unbelievably cold!
    I walked home last night from the choir in -5 C and I've never been so cold - it took me hours to get warm.

    It's lovely that your cat is fast becoming a real character!

    I'm afraid I've been guilty in the past of walking into a cold house and banging the temperature up! But now we're experiencing such high prices for our energy we've all become experts in saving it.
