Monday, December 5, 2022

Cookie success!

For the first time, in YEARS, I FINALLY made chocolate chip cookies that weren't all flat as can be! I tried a few things differently - (but from the same Nestle's recipe on the bag). I added a little bit more flour, I chilled dough a little bit, I made the cookies much bigger, and I let them sit on the cookie sheet for 2 minutes after taking out of the oven, like the recipe says. They even taste good, too ;)

I did have to call mom just before lunch to remind her to go down to eat yesterday. I then mentioned her clock was laying down on her cabinet next to her phone....once she figured out what I was talking about she set it up. I had forgotten awhile back I had taped the little stand in back to stay open, so she was able to set it upright and good to go. I'm glad to have had an uneventful weekend, as far as mom goes. I am going to call a carpet cleaning service later on this morning and see about getting that set up to be done. 

If you are one of those readers who don't like me complaining and expect me to just have this perfect life where nothing annoys me, you can stop reading now. Now we are starting to get annoyed at the neighbor's, down at the end of our street, dog. Why can't people just keep their dogs on their own property? They have had this mega hyper bird type dog (that they don't use for bird hunting/never trained one little bit) for a couple years now. He has never yet calmed down and actually seems to be getting worse. He's like a wrecking ball. For the most part they just keep him tied up outside, (they don't even feed him dog food - he lives on their table scraps! I know this because I offered her all that fresh dog food I had gotten just before our old guy passed away and she said no, she doesn't feed him dog food, he just eats their table scraps) but for the past several months now, about 2 times a day they will just let him off to run wild....cuz you know...he always comes back, so who cares what he's out doing while he's out running.....He runs down the street and comes onto our property between the walk thru opening between our gate pier and fence post. He wants to go see the neighbors dogs (who are in their kennel run) so after he runs all over our place (whining and barking), he finally gets down to the very back corner of our fence where it ends, before the river bank goes down and goes around the end of the fence to get to neighbors property. There he proceeds to rile up their dogs to no end until Mr or Mrs get tired of listening to it all and bring their dogs inside, hoping he'll go back home. Then the dog decided to go back home and goes back around the corner of the fence and across our back patio. This is now happening a couple times a day. With how extremely hyper this dog is it will only be a matter of time before he rips out the cables holding all the inflatables down or knocks over the manger scene. The last few days dh took our 2 big garbage cans and blocked them in front of the walk thru areas on each side of our gate piers. Nope, the dog just crawls under the gate. It would be great if he were smart enough to just continue on down the road a little bit to Mr & Mrs driveway, since that's where he's headed anyway, LOL.  Late yesterday afternoon dh was out in the shop and heard a commotion and yelling and went outside to see what it was. I guess the neighbors with this dog were out in the street trying to call their dog back, who had gone under the gate to our place. DH got the dog to go back to them (opened the gate to get him out) and even said to them that their dog is why he put these garbage cans blocking....."because your dog is a wrecking ball on steroids". But, I'm quite sure they won't get the hint. Of the 3 acres they own, the 80 acres of state land on the other side of them and the 6 acres between them and us...the dog has to spend 90% of his "free" time at our place, of course. My guess is the reason they are letting him loose a couple times a day is so that he'll go poop somewhere else, off their property, and they don't have to pick up after him.


  1. What is with your neighbours and their dogs...! Seriously, what if something happened to their pet? I live in the suburbs and didn't even want to let my sister's cat into the backyard, because he could easily run away! I even worry when your cat goes outside, and I know you do too. No neighbourhood would want dogs running amok, smh!

    1. I just don't understand the lack of respect towards others and disrupting/disturbing people. We never ever let our dogs roam around...or bark. I do now worry about the cat with this dog out, too. With the current temps and snow the silly cat goes out for 3 minutes and wants right back in LOL.

    2. LOL well no one wants to be outside in this weather!

  2. It has been so long since I made chocolate chip cookies from the Nestle's bag or anywhere else, that I forgot how they come out--flat it seems. But, isn't that how they are supposed to be? I just like the recipe and don't think about aesthetics, just eat them. But, I will keep your tips in mind.

    Does your mother have any recollection of the accident? I wonder if it smells.

    People get tired of my complaining about things. Then, just go away. I solve the dog problem in the past by yelling at the dogs while they are doing whatever. That gets the neighbor's attention. I either get snubbed or an apology. It usually ends the problem. The noisy dogs next door bark their heads off with the neighbors sitting right there, so no hope there. Dogs do damage by knocking things around, like you say.

    I saw a woman walking her horse-like dog in front of my house where I lived. The dog pulled over to my yard and she let him. He was doing his business squat. I ran from the house yelling at the dog who kept trying to go. I was throwing sticks which never got anywhere close because it was too far and I really did not intend to hit the dog, just disrupt his present business. I told her not to EVER let her dog come to my yard, to take him home to her yard. She whined that she could not let him go in her yard, apartment, I suppose. She said she did not know where to let him go because my neighbor did not like dogs, either. My neighbor was furious at what she said. She did not want the dog allowed to go with the owner standing there. I like dogs but not the owners. lol...actually, I like your dogs in your yard, not mine. And, not barking all the time.

    1. Mom has no recollection that is was her that caused the carpet stains. Sometimes we are able to say "go home" to the dog and he actually turns around and does, but not often enough. I would be ok with someone letting their dog poop in my yard IF they were standing there with a poop baggie to clean it right up as they go on their way with their walk.

  3. We had the same issues with our neighbor's dogs. They were allowed to run free (no leash law) and were always on our property. We have two indoor cats that like to go outside and once the neighbors and there dogs moved in next door I started staying out with the cats until they were ready to come inside. Then the day came when the neighbor's dogs came racing around to our backyard, chased one of the cats down and grabbed ahold of it. Thankfully I was outside and was able to beat the dog until it let go of the cat. Husband told the neighbor what had happened and told him to keep his dogs in his own yard. Neighbor's reply was that there wasn't a leash law and he had no intentions of tying his dogs up. We had a talk with the sheriff and he had a talk with our neighbors but that was all he could legally do given the fact there's no leash law. We have about 4.5 acres and it would cost quite a lot to fence in our property. So for the last 8 years I've had to be on guard outside the entire time the cats are outside. Oh, and the neighbor's dogs use our property as their toilet.

    1. I don't understand people who can be like that. I would be mortified if my neighbor told me my dog went onto their yard and chased down their cat! I think if I had to constantly pick up neighbors dog poop in my yard I just start shoveling it into their yard, LOL.

  4. When we went to the tree lighting in town on Saturday there was a man there with his young-ish yellow lab-ish dog on a leash. The dog was past puppy but still young and every person he stopped to talk to the dog jumped up on them. If you can't train your dog to behave properly you shouldn't own one. Some of the people out and about were older and could easily get knocked over by a big dog jumping on them or even get taken offguard if they weren't expecting the dog to do that and fall down

  5. Get a paintball gun and shoot the dog. It won’t hurt the dog and they will have to clean him up. Actually this is a joke because it would likely start a war. Why not call them each time he is on your patio? Eventually they may get the message.

    1. One can wish, LOL. I told dh that one of us should just text her and tell her the dog is scratching at our back patio doors. He hasn't (yet) but if they are rude enough to just let their dog run loose, I don't have a problem with lying about the dog to try to get them to stop letting him come over here. Maybe there is some "skunk" spray smell we could spray him with and send him back home like that every time, haha!

  6. Oh man, what a pain. I actually like dogs but I do NOT like having dogs jumping up at me. And I've mentioned before the shit-shovelling I have to do in my back garden to pick up other people's dog doo-doo! Your situation would make me so angry though!

    1. We wouldn't even mind the dog coming over here if he wasn't so dang hyper. Our other neighbors used to have this sweet old chocolate lab who would come over and visit us all the time. Just as sweet and calm as could be. She just wanted a few pets and sometimes to lay down and stay awhile.

  7. I'm a huge dog lover as you know, but yes, I'm not going to accept poor behavior- by owner! I'm so tired if the not picking up poop, in the park, the road, our yard- just rude. The poor dog too. What a rusk that he could get very hurt.

    1. I'm honestly surprised he does not run out on the main road that has some traffic. And the diet thing really bugs me. I'm all for a homemade dog food diet (raw or cooked) but only giving him scraps? That can't be healthy.

  8. Even a small dog jumping or running into me could get me off balance. Plus, I always wear knits and they would get snagged. I must wear knits because right knee cannot stand pressure of woven fabric. And, if I get a scratch, even a tiny one with diabetes and the swelling and fragile skin, it could mean limb loss or at least a long time recovering and needing would care. My friend almost lost her leg like that.

    1. I'm steady and I don't even like a dog jumping up on me. It so quickly and easily puts you off balance, especially when the dog is large.

  9. Anne Brew
    Oh my word, I don’t know what to say. The lead ( leash ) laws are pretty strict in the UK. If a dog is found to be running free in a rural area near stock with no owner in sight it could be impounded by RSPCA ( Royal Society for the Protection of Animals ) and the owners prosecuted and possibly banned from owning animals. However we get far too many cases of dogs bred for fighting, in urban areas, attacking and in some awful cases killing children. Owners with no clue keeping them cooped up with terrible results.

    1. We have zero pet laws out here in the country. The only thing is our covenants say 2 dogs per lot.
