Wednesday, September 28, 2022

You say tomato, I say tomato

Yesterday was payroll processing day. The only real issue I had was that my boss was in meetings most of the day, so she was hard to pin down when I had some questions and then she always reviews the payroll register before I submit it. Just for an extra set of eyes to make sure it looks right. Later afternoon she appeared to be done with her meetings and was emailing about this and that but not replying about approving payroll! Finally, with about 45 minutes left in the day I pinged her in message and asked. She got busy and forgot about me, LOL. 

My mom called right around 4:30, when I was logging out of work, and was confused about something she got in the mail from the company she used to have her retirement account with. Sounds like some kind of confirmation (probably for closing the account, when we moved it to the new one). She had no clue anymore who this company is or what it was for. Again, it was one of those conversations where only a word or two is actually making sense. When her confusion gets bad she can't think of the words to use and the ones she does are just partial sentences and make no sense. She said she didn't mean to call me, was trying to call this guy to stop this. I said stop what? Then she tries to tell me about this "confirmation" and she needs to call and stop it and some other stuff that made no sense. I just said to her several times, that is a letter from your retirement account, there is no one you need to call. Your investment guy has taken care of everything. I was afraid she had tried to call a ph#. She said something about "well, what if I write a check?" I said if you call someone they are just going to be confused what you are talking about. I think I convinced her it was all ok. Then it was time for her to go down for dinner, so I was hoping she'd get back and forget about it and she seemed to do that. I also looked on her telephone call log online and she didn't call anyone, thankfully. I have her set up (with the old and new investment company) for electronic statements and such, but there is still some they mail and it wasn't worth going through the old company, when we decided to switch, to get them to change to my address. And more than likely this could easily just be a piece of mail she dug out of her filing cabinet and thinks it's new.

DH is still (trying) to post his funny stories in this Facebook group page related to our car. As usual there is always at least one Karen. This post was related to us going go the bison range and  using the car in "trail mode" and how awesome it worked and he shared a few pics of the buffalo......only this guy had to make sure dh knew they aren't called buffalo in North America, they are bison. DH was super nice in his reply, LOL. 

My half sister lives on a LITERAL buffalo/bison ranch. They raise them and have a huge herd. I texted to the expert here...are they called bison or buffalo? She said well, the "proper" term is bison, but we call them buffalo. HA! I'll call them what the expert calls them, LOL. 

Here is one of her pictures....what they called buffalo twins.

Her dog with the herd. This stray dog showed up in their field about a year ago and won't leave the buffalo herd. He takes his job very seriously and she said their butcher saves meat scraps and bones and that's what he eats instead of dog kibble. She named him Tatonka.



  1. Here, what we get is, "That's NOT an albino, it's a white deer." The biologist in me gets a bit particular over proper classification, I must confess. What really makes me cringe is reading recipes/comments on recipes where "spice" and "herb" are used incorrectly. In fact, my husband used to use the terms interchangeably before we were married, in spite of me correcting him until I finally lost my patience and told him he would no longer be allowed in my kitchen until he learned the difference. (We still sort of chuckle about that, because you had to go through the kitchen to get anywhere else in that place.) It's funny what sets people off!

    1. I figure if the people that actually have a ranch of them call them buffalo then that's good enough for me, LOL

  2. Where would we be without the 'Karens' of the world?!
    Those buffaloes are some hefty looking creatures. Big boys.
    You can tell Tatonka takes his job seriously:)

    1. My sis loves this dog that showed up out of nowhere. He's finally friendly with her and will come in from the herd for food and hugs and then once he's done getting hugs he's back out with the herd.

  3. I'm glad your mom seems to have forgotten about that letter. It would have been very confusing for anyone who picked up the phone on her wouldn't it! And I love that dog - what a beauty!

    1. She called again this morning about the letter, but she made much more sense this time and seemed to understand it was just a confirmation and nothing needs to be done on her end. I love that dog too, he looks so regal!

  4. I absolutely love that dog! What kind is he/she?
    "Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam...." Sing that with bison and it does not have the same ring. What about buffalo hunters? On Gunsmoke, they call that animal a buffalo. I trust Dillon.

    1. She doesn't know what kind of dog he is, but said he is just massive and all muscle. Oh funny- my DH said the exact same thing you just did about "oh give me a home where the buffalo roam..." doesn't sound the same with bison. Plus one of my guest rooms is the "buffalo room" haha. I trust Dillon, too.
