Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday morning coffee chat

I ended up doing a little more around the house than I planned, so that was good. I got the downstairs vacuumed and dusted everything. Watered my 3 inside plants (all the others are fake, haha) DH mowed. It took him a little longer than usual, since it had been a week since he did it and it was longer than normal. Plus he stopped and chatted with Mr Neighbor.

Dh got a little of the reason Mr went over to pick up Mrs early from her 2 week visit, after only being there 5 days. Well, not really sure if that's the reason, but since being home they are both sick with bad colds. They said that DIL - who is a stay at home mom......sends the kids to daycare! and the kids were sick with colds. What in the world?!! But that pretty much tells you all you need to know about them, eh? A SAHM sending her kids to daycare. They were also telling dh that this new property, with a cabin, that son and his wife bought isn't going quite as well as they planned. They share a driveway with the neighbor. The neighbor uses their cabin, but also rents it out as an airbnb when they aren't using it. This is son's plan with their cabin, too. Though they want to tear it down and build another one. So, they were at the cabin while Mrs was visiting and apparently the neighbors told them they can't use the driveway...then their boys were playing with the neighbors kids outside and the neighbors had their kids come inside. This couple is Asian...if that really makes a difference, but son seemed to think so. He said to the neighbors, "don't you want the kids to get along with each other?" They said nope! LOL. 

This is what dh figured actually happened. Son, wife, 4 little loud wild boys, and 2 barking dogs showed up and proceeded to do what they do everywhere - no boundaries and just play and let their dogs go wherever. Neighbors didn't like it and most likely told them to stay out of the driveway that is shared, so they don't have to deal with them while they are trying to drive in and out. Dh said he was just laughing inside to hear all this - so it's not just here they are rude and we're not the only one's that don't want them playing in front of our house, haha. Anyway Mr. is really glad to finally have his pickup back after all these months. 

Mr said he saw elk poop in his yard. Dh said we saw some while walking down our game trail to the river the other day. Then last night dh was looking at his game camera pictures from out front and Friday night there were elk right out at the corner of our fence on Mr.'s property. They are so big. I guess they are going to ignore the no trespassing signs when they are on the other side of our property, LOL.

DH was done mowing and getting his stuff cleaned off and put away and I walked down to get the mail. As I'm walking by the front part of the lawn I'm like this doesn't look like he mowed it! It only has a mowed strip around the edge where he uses his walk behind. I get back and say "what's up with the front lawn? did you not mow it for a reason?" He's like oh! I guess I forgot to do that part! So, he got the riding mower back out of the shed, haha. 

I watched a couple episodes of a show last evening. I'm only on season 2 of 7, so still lots left to watch. I'm still tired, a bit, so I went to bed at 9. I also have an audio book I've been listening too. Usually for a little bit when I go to bed. I usually make it 15-20 minutes before I'm falling asleep. 

Things that continue to be a mystery: it's been over 3 months and my mom's caregiver still hasn't billed me. Still nothing going on the lots next door. Previous to all this the guy was coming out a couple times a week to just drive in and turn around and leave, just to make sure his property was still there, I guess. He hasn't done that and hasn't been back since he had his equipment out here 10 days ago. Mr & Mrs haven't heard anything new on him either, as they asked dh if he's seen him out here again.


  1. When my son was 18 months and I was pregnant, I sent my son to daycare one day a week for both our benefit. He needed children and I needed a break. But, this was only for a few months. I cannot imagine just routinely sending kids to daycare. It seems she cannot stand her children, either. Maybe the Asian people are just more proactive in protecting their sanity than you white

    I am continually amazed how quiet the four kids next door are all the time. I never hear screaming, talking, laughing...nothing. But, the whole family is quiet. Only their four or six dogs are annoying. Thankfully, they do have a fence!

    Do you think the Mr actually does not see how bad the grandchildren behave? What is this about the truck? I don't remember. I wonder what kitty would do if he saw the elk. I am glad you saw the unmown strip before he had left it for long.

    1. I think Mr sees how his grandkids are more than Mrs. Their son wanted to borrow their pick up truck to haul some stuff. Now mind you, son lives 450 miles away LOL. They let Mr use their mini van. This ended up being for several months! Dh forgot to mow a whole big section of lawn out front!

  2. Did you try to talk to your mom's caregiver recently? I wouldn't want to be hit with a big bill for three months. Do you know how much she will be billing you? This sounds weird.

    1. I've now asked her about it twice (she said she likes to communicate via text). The first time was a little after 30 days and she said she hadn't done her billing yet. Then I asked again about a month ago and no response.

    2. I only know how much she is billing per hour and she said she bills in 15 min increments.

  3. I would really be annoyed with the delayed billing for your mom. I hope you are keeping track of their visit - letting it go that long for people they could add in extra and who would notice if you weren't keeping track? But 3 months?!? That's just crazy! I would contact her again & say you need to be billed monthly in order to keep finances in order for your mom. Just ridiculous!

    1. It is really annoying me now. What if my mom was on a tight monthly budget, plus like you said - it's hard to keep track now! She has 2 ladies who also work for her (it used to be one, but I see 2 now) - how in the world do they get paid, if she's not billing for services? So strange.
