Thursday, September 8, 2022

The conclusion (hopefully!)

Friday morning we wake up to another email from Mr. It was Mr. replying to the guy's latest email (early Friday morning) and cc'd the rest of us in his reply. This is the email he got from the guy:

Greetings Mr.

After our discussion with {my dh} (09/01/2022) we decided not to build shop/house in one.  I only have your email; therefore would you forward this email to the other members.  I’ll be sending a follow-up email after I get my thoughts together.


Ahhh! So it seems dh's talk with him did do some good. (I see we went from being a clan to members, LOL) We have never received a follow up email from the guy. But, Tuesday he apparently went back into the county atty's office and the atty called Mr & Mrs and told them he said they will be clearing some of the land and just build a house. They didn't say which lot but no big shop. Mrs texted us all this info Tuesday afternoon and said she guesses we just need to believe they will now follow the rules!!!! (her 4 exclamation points). I think she is thinking the same as us....not holding our breath that this is the last of the problems with them. The no trespassing signs are still up.

Or maybe he did consult with an attorney (besides the county atty) who advised him he probably will lose and then have to pay all our attorney's fees, too, as well as his own, but I'm guessing between the letter, the county attorney telling him no, and then their talk with dh, they finally realized they are probably not going to win this, nor we were going to back down. It will be at least 2 years before a house is done and they are living out here, so at least there is that. They can't even get the well dug until next summer and if they can start building then it will take a year to build, if they can even find a builder now, that could start next summer.

And I don't ever anticipate them being good neighbors to "the clan". I also can't imagine wanting to live somewhere where none of your neighbors will like you, but I guess he's used to that, as he alluded to it at his main house in the other state, that he had neighbor/HOA problems there. One thing I missed was how the wife is. Dh had said a few weeks ago "her smile is fake". Then the other day when we were down at lot 7 neighbors, the young couple, one of them said "boy, her smile is so fake". I don't really have that knack for reading people's faces and body language, at all.

Soon enough winter and snow will be here and we won't have to see or deal with them again until next spring. We can only hope between now and actual building time, their minds or circumstances change and they put the properties up for sale. Maybe in all his "obituary reading and tire kicking" he'll come across some great deal for property he can build his warehouse on and decide to not build a house here.

All in all, I am very glad I took the initiative to email all the neighbors about this and very glad every one of us was on the same page and that the others were willing to share the work involved with it.

Todays temp will be a wonderful 76 and we are ready for some much cooler weather.


  1. It appears you all nipped this plan in the bud! He will slink away and cause problems elsewhere or keep trying to bully his way into your neighborhood. At least you can all relax and breathe.

    1. Hoping he changes his mind and sells it off, but at least if he doesn't it will be a house, though I'm sure he's still going to be a pain in our sides forever :(

  2. Good work! You handled this so well—intelligently, professionally, and with a minimum of confrontation. All of you should be pleased with the results (fingers crossed this is the last of it), and special kudos to you for getting the ball rolling in the right way from the outset. There are a lot of folks in this crazy world who need to follow your example.

    Now, tell us how the visit with your friends went!

    1. Very pleased and relieved it seems resolved. My next post is about our friends visit :)

  3. As much as I despise them, (and won't live within one) this is when an HOA is beneficial.

    1. We're still trying to decide if we actually need an HOA. With only 7 lots and 5 owners, it's not like we can't take care of it like we just did. No one really wants the hassle of forming one and having to have officers, etc.

  4. I do not trust him - he has proven to be a liar..... But I know that you all will stay on top of it.

    1. He won't be trusted and we'll have as little contact with him as possible. Hopefully he decides to build the house on lot 5 (we're lot 3) and even more space between us.

  5. I hope he sells & doesn't get a chance to build. What a nightmare!

    1. at this point it doesn't sound like he's selling, but one can keep hope he'll change his plans!

  6. I wonder what will be most expedient, having covenants or HOA. What is the difference? And, once the HOA is done, do you expect many future problems. So, an HOA might just be a formality with no work in the future.

    1. From what I gather, either way we still have the covenants in place and either way we would still have to use an attorney to fight someone. We don't really expect many future problems. But to form an HOA you need to either form an LLC or a non-profit, appoint/vote on board members, have annual meetings, file a tax return, etc. Seems like so much work for 5 property owners.

  7. Excellent news! Kudos for getting the ball rolling and rallying the troops. Fingers crossed for the future. EAS

    1. thank you - I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too.

  8. You all dodged the bullet that he shot at you all and ended up shooting himself in the foot! Good job to all of you!

    1. I think Mr idea of having that county atty involved is one of the main things that helped convince this guy he was wrong.
