Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday arrived fast

In my quest to reduce my sugar intake I purchased some sugar free syrup. I tried it on my french toast for dinner last night. I compared the label to my normal syrup. Old syrup was 15 g of sugar for 2 TBSP and 100 calories. Sugar free syrup was 2 g of sugar (no added sugar) and 5 calories. It wasn't as thick of syrup, but tasted fine to me. I don't eat pancakes or french toast often, but of course need syrup when I do, LOL. For my morning coffee I have come to the conclusion of using monkfruit instead of sugar and sugar free french vanilla creamer. That's the best I can do, haha. I tried heavy cream, but it just didn't make my coffee taste very good to me and I couldn't seem to get used to the taste. I only drink one cup a day, so that is my splurge.

There is still nothing going on with the lots next door. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out, in the end, with this couple. I check the listing for their out of state/main home for sale every so often and still not sold, after over a year on the market.

Ok, I'm going to give Albertson's grocery pick up one more try and just try to do my full order with them. I do like how you can pick the time, but then pretty much have all day to get it picked up. If this works, then that lets me not have to be so structured with my time at mom's. If I need to stay longer, I can. I'm going to do it Sunday...maybe a little less busy there than on a Saturday...who knows.

The cat is making a little big of progress at bedtime, LOL. If I lay the throw blanket down next to me when I go to bed, he will jump up and curl up (like he does for naps with me) and sleep for about an hour or hour and a half before he wants to go back (and by that I mean ME take him upstairs!) upstairs for the night. Of course I'm asleep by the time he wakes me up an hour or so later, but that's ok. I go right back to sleep. 

Dh ordered some nice "Private Road No Outlet" street signs to put on each side of the entrance to our private street, as you enter. Hoping this may cut down on some of the boat launch turn arounds. At least he did some looking online and found some less than half the price of the first place he looked online, a couple months ago. They are arriving today. Maybe the other neighbors will offer to chip in on them, but if not, they weren't too expensive. Shipping was what was costly - because the posts are heavy and long.


  1. I could probably do with cutting down on sugar too so I'm interested to see how you go! I actually don't take sugar in tea or coffee but I think the amount of fruit I eat might be a bit of a sugar bomb! Hmm, I'll have to think about that!

  2. If you like dates, both my DD’s use date syrup as a sugar substitute. I know absolutely nothing about it, other than they like it for some things. I know they use it in oatmeal, and my one dd used it in some hm wheat bread last weekend. I don’t know of anything else they have used it for, but my oldest told me she really likes it, but she loves dates.


    1. That does sound good, I'll have to remember that when I need syrup next

  3. Tommy and I both need to cut down on sugar! We may follow you. He takes his coffee black and always has. I don't drink coffee and don't use sugar in iced tea. I want sugar in oatmeal!

    1. I'm liking the natural sweetner I got - Monkfruit - to sprinkle on top of cereal and add in my coffee, but it's so expensive.

  4. I use only milk in my coffee. I heat the milk because I am spoilt I guess. I think, you are doing a great job by cutting down sugar.

    1. from what I am reading, sugar is an addiction your body craves so reducing/getting off of it will lessen the cravings. I'm working on it
