Monday, April 25, 2022

What did I just hear?!

I made dh some chocolate chip cookies yesterday. I tried adding more flour, one of the things I read to help with flat cookies. Nope, still flat. Oh well, he likes them that way. They aren't appealing or much how I like cookies (I don't really like chewy type cookies) so that is good that I probably won't eat very many. I had one yesterday (as well as a couple bits of dough while making, LOL). I put them in a ziploc bag on the counter and dh can have at them all week.

I really didn't do much other than making the cookies yesterday. Well, the normal, breakfast lunch and dinner, LOL. Dinner was a "chicken sandwich ring". We hadn't had that in awhile so I try to rotate it in every so often. Fairly easy to make and good when I didn't take anything out of the freezer.

While the batteries in the little security camera are advertised to last up to 2 years, apparently that is with very little use. Like basically setting it when you aren't home to see if there is a motion it detects (which probably wouldn't happen often). But, watching mom on the level I want to keep checking in on her, they will have to be replaced often. But, that's ok, I'll order some up (some kind of expensive lithium ion AA batteries) to have on hand. The app also lets you know when the battery is getting low, so I'll have some warning that they need to be replaced.

This camera also has sound, which is nice, but there is this "background noise" that is always on it. Not sure if it's her refrigerator running it's picking up or more likely her wall heater unit. It's always pretty much on, since she keeps it like 80 in there, LOL. She chats with herself alot, haha. Since she's in her apartment moving around often, yesterday I turned off the motion detection and just checked in on her every so often. I think she spends a lot of time sitting in her recliner and I can't tell if she's there or not, unless I actually catch her walking to it. (this is where I think an additional camera would be helpful, pointing that way).

So, around dinner time I took a peek at live view to see if she was doing anything. Just as it started it appeared she was walking from her door toward her living room area and talking to herself. Something about "ridiculous. just ridiculous. should just move, no one visits anyway". I'm like what?! When I first heard her repeat ridiculous I was thinking maybe she was upset dinner hadn't been delivered yet (it was 5:30 ish, but that's normal when they have to deliver to all the floors/apts). But then I'm like move? no one visits? I then turned live back on a few minutes later and could hear her standing at her door talking to someone, then it sounds like the meal got dropped off (they all have a tv tray or small table out next to their door for them to set the meal in containers on). I could hear her talking with someone, sounding like complaints dinner was so late (it was about 5:38 then). Then you hear her say "oh, here it is" and a guys voice saying something. While I was watching this "live" recording I kept in on record, so I could go back. I went back and turned up my phone volume to try to hear better what they were saying. 

Here's what I figured out. She was talking to her neighbor lady across the hall. I think they all open their doors often to see if the meal is there yet (even though the staff knocks to let them know) and they both had been at their doorways talking. When I first turned it on live and heard my mom saying ridiculous and moving, I'm now pretty certain she was talking about her neighbor lady. While they were chatting right before the meals got dropped off, the lady was complaining about the time, etc. My mom was kind of agreeing but also trying to say "well, I guess we got spoiled when they were bringing it earlier" or something like that.

So, my mom brings her meal in and sets it on her table and proceeds to get her silverware and a glass of water. The whole time she's talking to herself but I can't really hear it over the water running to fill up her glass and the silverware clanking, and as she sits down she says "she’s got to find something cheaper for her family. She's just got to". She was talking about neighbor lady across the hall! She has told me about her before. That she just has a tiny studio apartment and can barely afford it. Sounds like maybe family helps pay for it, but she rarely has family visit. Stuff like that. She's also the lady we were chatting with in the hall recently and she was complaining there is some red light that shines through her window blinds at night and she can't sleep. I suggested putting up curtains to block it and she said "well, I'm not paying for it!" LOL.

My guess is mom was talking to her at the door and with the lady complaining and dinner being late, etc, she walked back in her room saying "ridiculous, should just move, no one visits" she was talking about the neighbor lady! Well, I hope so, LOL


  1. I always reckon talking to yourself is sometimes the only way to have a sensible conversation!

  2. I mumbled to myself sometimes before I moved here. I thought to myself that people would think I had lost it if they heard me. Now, I don't mumble to myself or Tommy. At least she is not asking and answering questions.

  3. Have you checked the date on your baking soda? Also, I use half butter/half butter flavored Crisco for my chocolate chip cookies so there's less spread.

    1. that could be. The baking soda (some time ago) I had put in a sealed plastic container, but it probably is past it's date. I will try the half butter/half butter crisco!

  4. What about rechargable batteries?

    1. The device says not to use regular aa or rechargable AA, only use the Lithium kind.

  5. There's always a risk you may hear her say something upsetting but that's a risk worth taking in this case I think.

    1. That comment above was mine btw. Not sure why they called me Anonymous.

    2. You are right. She seemed a bit upset about something on one motion "clip" yesterday as she walked back in the door and set her keys on the table. I was wondering what that was all about. Then she went back into her bedroom/bathroom, came out 5-10 min later and seemed fine, which means whatever it was she most likely had already forgotten about it happening.

  6. I talk to myself especially when I need scolding. Does your mom watch TV during the day? You have mentioned that she likes wii bowling which is in the morning. May be she is too bored in the afternoon and can't wait for the dinner to show up.
