Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

Woke up to 5 inches of snow on the ground. Heck ya, it's April! 

In the past years we usually closed the office early for Good Friday. Most of our east coast manufacturers were always closed for the day, we'd get emails notifying us their offices will be closed. Doesn't seem so much the case anymore. I haven't received one mfg email and we aren't closing early again this year.

My mom has been doing great getting her meds dispensed and taken each evening after dinner, now. The once a day plan is much better than twice a day. What a difference it has made to my first half of each day! I don't have to keep looking at my phone the first hour, to see if she took them (which most often she didn't) and then keep trying (and remembering, while I'm busy with work) to call her every 15 minutes or so for several hours, hoping I can catch her back at her apartment to remind her.

I've been keeping a little log in my notebook of things I have changed or found cheaper to save money. And then I've annualized the savings. When I write down I saved .10 cents per pill on my dogs Cosequin ds chewable tablets, it doesn't seem like much at all, but annualized, since he takes 2 pills per day, it's an $80 savings, from me finding a cheaper source to purchase them from.

This is what I have so far, my making changes/finding cheaper: 

Adequan (arthritis injections for dog) - saving $336/yr
Claritin - $27/yr
Canned chicken - (estimate) $19/yr
Walmart 5% cash back card - $210/yr (over what I was getting using my 2% card)
Not buying organic milk anymore - $120/yr
Not purchase the HRV filter this year - $350
Receiving extra $25/mo from employer to HSA - $300/yr

That's $1362 in savings/extra money this next year. I'm really trying to look at all the things we purchase on a regular basis and see if I can save. A lot of it, I'm not coming up with anything better, but I'll keep working at it.

Here's a little laugh for you. Not that I wear makeup on a daily basis anymore, but I'm getting low on foundation and mascara (well, more like the mascara is drying out because it's getting so old with no use, haha). So, I decided to order some online makeup to try. It comes in the mail yesterday morning. I take the mascara tube out of the box

Then I open it to give it a try. Only the wand is like curved in a half circle! (even more curved than the picture) and I'm like what in the heck is this deal? I could barely get it out of the tube. My eyes aren't curved that much. It was almost impossible to even get the mascara onto my lashes, but I finally got some on, thinking what in the heck.
I go back to my desk to look up the mascara again on my computer and realize that end piece twists to curve or straighten the wand! I'm sure it will go on much easier next time ;)


  1. I've never seen a wand like that. I prefer the straight version. :)

  2. I rarely used make-up in the past and nowadays it is even rarer (is that a word?) I have never been able to finish an item before it expired. Honestly, I hate taking make-up off more than applying it. That is why I almost never wear it.

    1. I always wore some foundation and mascara and eyeliner. Until we moved here and I work from home 100% and we rarely go anywhere. Plus, then after I scratched my eye so bad, I hate taking mascara off and rubbing on my eye to do it. Now I just wear if we are going out somewhere.

  3. When I saw the first picture, I wondered what the pink thing sticking out of the end was. Now, I know. I guess you use it straight for pushing in and out of the container and make it curved to apply mascara. Strange. I never use mascara because I rub my eyes too much. I have used makeup--foundation, blush and eyeliner once since March 2020! I rarely apply lipstick even though I used it every day before.

    I am so glad your mother is doing well with her new routine.

  4. Annualising little savings is a great idea. I'm going to give that a go.
    The other day I put on lipstick to go out then used a mask the whole time I was out!

  5. Your annual savings log must be an eye-opener! Well done!
