Tuesday, April 26, 2022

A goofy Tuesday

I got another notice in the mail to go in for possible jury duty. UGH!! A week from Friday. At least I'll know what to expect this time and if I get assigned a random number in rows 3-5 I should be safe, LOL. My jury duty service ends June 30th. I was not happy to see that letter in the mail again. Wonder what's up with all the trials now. They rarely have ever had trials before.

Today is also payroll day. I don't know why it often seems to fall on Tuesdays, which my boss is always in meetings most all day Tuesdays, so then I also have to wait for her to get back to my questions and review the payroll register before I submit. And we have 3 more new employees starting this pay period, so that always adds to getting it all figured out. And we realized our payroll advisor never got back to us with an issue she had to pass on to support as a "case" from last payroll, so I'm sure I'll still have that issue to work around.

DH was continuing to write/share his funny stories about our new car experiences on that Facebook page. Most people seemed to really enjoy them. A few would say they are now looking forward to when he posts, best thing on the page, he should be a writer, etc. But of course there are always has to be a couple who are just rude and assholes. Gosh, is it really that hard to just either enjoy something, or if you can't/won't then just ignore it? But, no, they have to make rude comments. DH decided last night - forget it. It's not even worth his time to deal with rude people. He went in and deleted all his posts/stories and un-joined the group. Not worth it to try to share anything on a public forum. Too many asshats out there to make anything like that fun.

My side job boss emailed me this morning "any good mom stories?", knowing I took Friday off to go see mom. I said, boy do I! and updated her and she said I knew you could provide me with some humor this morning. LOL. I told her the Hero medication dispenser is now wrapped in black tape like it's Fort Knox and hopefully she can't unplug it from the back anymore.

Well, payroll has gone surprisingly smooth today, first time in MONTHS. Now I'm just waiting for boss to review the report so I can submit it, and it's not even 11am yet.  

Walmart gave me a really short date on the 2 gallons of milk I picked up on Friday the 22nd...sell by date of 24th. Ugh and I got 2 gallons, too, which I don't usually do.  But, usually they have a decent date and are good for another 5 days, so I figured I could do the 2 gallons before time was up. Well, crap 2 gallons that sell by was Sunday won't get used up. So, I took the one that is about 1/3 gone and put it in the freezer. I have frozen chocolate milk before, but never regular milk. I also know you need to pour a little out of the jug before freezing, so with 1/3 gone, I put that jug in the freezer and will start using this full jug. Guess I need to make some tapioca pudding to use some up. It will also be a good test for me to finally see how well frozen milk is after it's thawed out. I'm hoping this is a good thing and I actually start using this method and buy some extra milk at a time, rather than having to make a trip into town in between my Walmart orders, to get more milk.

Oh goodness. My cell phone rings a little while ago, I glance at it and some out of state # I don't recognize and it's not a work call, so I ignore it. I'm busy doing payroll. About half hour later I see I have a voicemail so I give a listen and it's my mom! She's calling from sorta boyfriend (though she hardly mentions him anymore) cell phone saying Hi, I'm downstairs and we're doing this ancestry thing and we need info for our parents and grandparents names and I know my parents but not my grandparents and thought maybe you have that....

OH HELL NO! LOL. I am not even going to try to attempt to give her that information, let alone when I'm working. I can just imagine the conversation now. I'd have to repeat the first name about 20 times before she'd finally get it written down, then when I'm trying to give her the 2nd grandparent name, she'd suddenly say "now who is such and such?" (the first name I gave her!). No, just no! LOL


  1. I am sorry for your husband. He should've just blocked the rude commenters and keep enjoying the group. I have frozen milk before and it was quite fine after it thawed. I use milk only for my coffee nowadays and occasionally for puddings like you do.

    1. He said he first did that and then realized every post it's someone different, typically, and he's just tired of those kind of people. Just better to stay off putting yourself out their publicly

  2. Oh my word. I'm about dying here laughing reading your response to your mom wanting those names. You are right. You don't want to go there! lol

    1. LOL - it would be more annoying than doing payroll ;)

  3. I freeze milk all the time. just let it thaw in the sink and give it a good shake.

  4. Tommy thaws his milk in the refrigerator. It takes two or three days before enough is thawed for him to use. I used to pour it into pint Ball jars and freeze it so it would not take so long to thaw. then, I would take it out one jar at a time.

    I can just imagine how hard it would be to convey the names over the phone to your mother. That would be a whole post.

    Your husband needs to get a thicker skin and ignore the assholes. Maybe he needs a blog so we can all read his stories. He could set it where no one could comment.

    1. 2 or 3 days is what I remember it taking for the half gallon of chocolate milk to thaw out. It's not so much dh needs thicker skin, he did it for almost a month, and stayed with light funny responses to the jerks. But, finally decided people like that aren't worth his effort and time. He wasn't getting enjoyment out of it so there was no point to stay with the group.
