Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Too quiet

It's too lonely and quiet in my office. No snoring dog under my desk or asking for a treat throughout the day. I did get a visit from the big black pup, he came in from playing fetch with dh, came upstairs, wanted a treat, then proceeded to get under my desk and sleep a bit. We have a big dog bed pillow, which neither dog would use, LOL, but that last night we had the old pup laying on it. This morning I noticed it was all crooked and indents on top, so our other dog must have been laying on it. Awww...

He's a funny dog. When he was younger and he'd see me get out the flea medicine he'd go run and hide. Now, when he sees me get it out, he walks up to me and puts his head down. So funny.

I finished watching the season finale episode of Resident Alien. Linda - did you watch it? Every episode made me laugh and the ending was great and left it to continue to a Season 2, which I read has already been approved. It was getting a little "far-fetched" with some scenes in the last episode, but then they just throw in a good laugh and you realize they knew it was, too, haha.

I follow a few decor pages on Facebook. On one yesterday someone asked where is a good place online to get a cowhide rug. Several replies and I commented where I just got a calfhide rug from and that it was nice and shipped quickly. Someone put a sad face on my comment, LOL. I wanted to say "oh good grief - it's not like they kill the calves for the hide!!" People....

In my list of ebooks I put on reserve at the library, one of them was Matthew McConaughey's new book out called Greenlights. Well, who doesn't like to listen to him talk, so I decided to get the audio book instead of reading it, LOL. It became available the other day and I started listening, but boy does he talk fast! So far, it's good though. Either he's slowed the talking down a bit or I'm just getting used to it, LOL. And here's something I didn't know: One of Dh's favorite movies is Dazed and Confused. I just realized that the guy who played one of the teenagers in that movie (the jock with red hair) is the guy who plays Rip on Yellowstone.

When I talked to my mom again yesterday afternoon she still has not mentioned her boyfriend. I'll give it a few days and ask about him. DD said maybe he realized how bad her memory is and backed off spending so much time with her. It's pretty exhausting on a regular basis, that's for sure. I would think it would be pretty difficult to have any "serious" type of relationship with someone who can't remember what you just said 5 minutes ago.

DD's refrigerator crapped out last night. They went off to Lowe's to try to get a new one, but couldn't agree on one. The one she liked and in their budget was some brand no one has ever heard of (Hisense?) and they looked it up online and some bad reviews. The other one in the style they liked is like $2200, but they went back home, looked online everywhere and for something they can get right away, and couldn't really find anything in a lower price, so they are probably going this afternoon to get the $2200 one. I should add that the reason it's $2000 range is because they want one with ice and water dispenser. They have been having lots of Murphy visits the past couple of months.


  1. I guess you'll be missing the pup for a good while yet - just the little noises and habits, right? I'm so sorry.

    1. it's amazing how much noise he made all day, that you just get used to hearing. Plus he was very much in a routine with what he did all day.

  2. Aw man, I know the feeling about missing the dog - sometimes I would hear the floors creak and think the cat was coming to beg for food! I did not know fridges were so expensive?! My mom was looking to get a new one, but she got ours fixed instead - ours is an older model, and she cannot let it go yet!

    1. When I was looking at fridges for our house they were expensive (to me!). I knew I wanted french doors on top and freezer on bottom and didn't care about ice/water dispenser to got mine for around $1200 on sale. I actually went with the same exact fridge we had replaced with in our old house several years ago.

  3. I was in Lowe's today and saw a brand I have never seen. I wonder. They had dented models in the very back of the store. I am not in the market for a refrigerator and I had another interest.

    Boy, is that a cliff hanger on Resident Alien. It was far out. I cannot wait to see what they do next season.

    1. I think I remember seeing that Hisense brand same when I was looking to buy the little fridge we used while living in the shop. I don't usually buy no names when something is expensive and supposed to last a long time.
