Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Interior Design

As I'm scrolling through Facebook yesterday there is a real estate ad (I commonly get those, because you know...I clicked on one once and now I'm forever getting them) for a nice $2 million dollar home in the nearby city. I had no intention of looking at it, but did see it had one comment, that said "a bit pretentious".  (people sure are rude out loud). Well, ya the house is a bit "much", though I did notice the kitchen cabinets and countertops look exactly like my house, LOL. But, that's about the only similarity. It's all "french country", so fancy and a lot, not to mention 9000 sf.

A bit of history: when I got out of high school, I decided to get a degree in interior design. The community college I was attending had a 2 year program for it, so my bestie and I signed up. I think we had taken an elective in high school one quarter that was interior design, and both really enjoyed it. I took the classes for the first year, but in researching getting a 4 year degree in it, the only "closest" university, that offered it was across the state and I had zero desire to go there or anywhere away from home. Anyhow, during that year, and some off campus field trips to interior design places, I also realized it wasn't really going to be for me. I didn't want to have to satisfy customers and figure out what they thought they wanted. It seemed with a 2 year degree most end up working at a furniture store. So, I switched to Accounting, LOL. My friend did finish the 2 year degree in ID and then went on to work full time at the grocery store she had worked at part time since she was 16, haha.

Back to the house I was looking at online...Pretentious can be achieved with money, that's for sure. I would tend to use the word ostentatious, instead. But, without the money behind it, that kind of style ends up just looking tacky, LOL. I realized I am trying to achieve a look that is NOT ostentatious in any way - because with my budget it would end up looking tacky!

Following several Facebook decor pages the past few months I've gotten to see a ton of pictures of inside people's houses and decor. And whooo boy - most of it is just too much! Too much farmhouse, too much western, too much rustic, just too much. For example, I like a little Western decor. I have some here and there. But, no, I am not going to cover all my kitchen cabinet doors with cowhide! (besides, ewww - how would you keep it clean?!). Now on the other hand, I think covering my bar stools seats in cowhide would be neat....

I prefer a little of the style(s), but not overboard. Like some of my rooms definitely need more decor, that's for sure, but I guess I'd rather err on the side of less than more. I like to have a little breathing space in my decor. I'm trying to achieve a "classy rustic" look (on a serious budget), if that's even possible, haha.

In the meantime I recently discovered the panoramic picture view option on my phone camera, LOL.  

(that black blob on the floor is the dog, haha). Of course the pics get a bit distorted, but I like how they show more than a regular picture. I was sitting in the matching recliner when I took this.

So, now, my interest in interior design is just limited to satisfying my own ideas and looking to see what others do with theirs. Some of it inspires me. Some of it makes me laugh (or cringe). And some of it depresses me, because I want the look, but WAY too expensive! But, I like what  have done so far. It's enjoyable to me to find things to decorate my house and it's all a work in progress, that's for sure.


  1. I think I would hire you as an interior decorator and pay you a pretty penny (assuming I could affor it of course, Lol!). I like your taste and I think your home is lovely.

    1. awww thanks! I don't think I'd do very well though to try to design something for someone if they wanted a different style. Might be fun to try, though! haha. I remember the builder of our house, after seeing the colors I picked for the outside saying he was going to use that on some of the spec homes he builds.

  2. Its very pretty. Has a look like our family lake place-comfortable and homey.

  3. Great picture! You get nice lighting with the windows.
    I get tired of looking at homes that are nothing but white on white on more white. They look so cold. Nothing homey or inviting there.
    Your home is beautiful & most importantly You love it!!

    1. Yes, there sure is a lot of white decorating going on - and gray! My dd and I were both following one where every comment suggestion(or it seemed that way) was "paint it white". So, we joke to each other now if we get something new "paint it white!". Thank you for the compliment :)

  4. Too much of any style in a room annoying. I had a friend, home ec hs teacher, who had every stick of furniture in her home in Queen Anne style and the same color wood. There was nothing at all interesting or comfy, not even pretentious, just blah.

    I know someone who quit a job at WM and got a 4-yr degree in interior design when she was in her 40s. She refused to move to a city and stayed in a town of 4000 in the middle of nowhere. She ended up working in a furniture store but was used to move furniture. He coworkers made fun of her for leaving WM, so she refused to go back to WM even though she wanted to return. I felt sorry for her. I believe she was an advocate of lining up white ducks and putting blue ribbons around their neck, a look I abhorred.

    You do well.

    1. Someone told me you can have 6 different woods going on in decor (never heard that one) and I said whew - cuz I'm probably at my limit, haha. But, I agree with you, one style or one color wood is boring. I'm probably much better suited to accounting rather than moving furniture.

  5. I think it would be really hard to make a living in interior design actually, but it's a shame your friend completed the course and still ended up working in a grocery store. Still, I expect her house looks lovely. I would love to have that talent but unfortunately I was standing behind the door when good taste was handed out!

    1. I think the money my friend was making at the store was too good. She ended up becoming a dept. mgr fairly young. In later years she shifted careers to an office manager.
