Saturday, April 10, 2021

So much for hope

Shoot....the down river shooting happened last night at 11pm. 3 loud shots in a row. Apparently Mr. Neighbor heard it, too, as we got an email from him. I guess it was too much wishful thinking to hope that problem had gone away, too. Who the hell shoots at 11 at night?!

It was such a nice day yesterday. DH and I took a little walk around at noon and again after dinner.

I got a call back from my mom's investment broker assistant lady about her RMD. While she says my mom was never on auto distribution for it, I disagree. She was last year and after the March distribution I had to have her cancel the Sept half. Anyway, glad I inquired because it sounds like with it getting turned off last year, they forgot to turn it back on. I told her to just do it once a year in March, is fine. She got the money transferred and I see it in her savings account, but it was less than the RMD....then finally I remembered they take out taxes from it. 

Dh said he now heard there might be a shortage of ketchup. Also heard that toilet paper prices are supposed to skyrocket this summer. Good thing we have a bunch. I'm just going to keep buying each grocery trip and then when the price starts jacking up, I'll stop buying, until I have to stock up again. A friend of mine, who's husband is a salesman and has to drive a lot, said it's costing him $20 more per fill up now and this is a car, not a big tank with truck or SUV. $90 for a sheet of plywood! Insane.

Housecleaning day. Fun stuff ;)


  1. For the past two weeks I've been noticing holes on the shelves at the supermarket which I've been putting down to that cargo ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal rather than covid - but what would I know! It's scary stuff isn't it!

    1. It is scary and I'm glad I at least have quite a bit in the pantry and freezer, rather than being a shopper who just keeps on hand what I'm eating that week. If nothing else, we'll be eating eggs every day, haha.

  2. Eggs are a good thing to have a secure supply. And, you don't have to leave home for them. It is the container, the little packets that hold pouches that are in short supply because they use petroleum products. I still have tp that I don't like that I bought last summer when I could not find my brand. But, I am also buying a package of my brand each week if I can find it--Northern in purple packing.

    It is strange the timing of the shooting. I wonder why. An animal around or what?

    1. I mean the little pouches that hold catsup. I actually bought a bottle of Heinz the other day for the first time in about two years.

    2. that' makes sense about the ketchup packets. We just pulled in from a trip to the hardware store and as we got out of the car and at least 10 gun shots in a row, from down river (not the reloader across the hill), so obviously not an animal around. We use the Quilted Northern in purple package, too. I haven't had any trouble getting it lately.
