Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Brotherly "love"

Saturday night at 10pm dh gets a text from his younger brother. DH has not had any contact with him in 2 years, since their dad passed away, and then it was just about the dad by that point. DH gave it his best try a few years ago. But, brother has some serious issues, including drinking a lot. More than likely the Saturday night text was a result of being drunk.

DH tried his best to reconnect with this brother (as well as his older one), but his brother just seemed mainly interested in telling dh all the bad things about dh (even the fact that dh is tall and he is not, apparently is dh's fault for that, too. Seriously.). One phone conversation a few years ago (we were living in the shop then) he accused dh of being a rapist, at 15 years old! DH was like WTF?!! He and his brother (who was 14 then) were hanging out with a couple of girls their age and dh liked one of them. Joking around, he asked her for a kiss, which apparently she gave, and that was that, LOL. But in that phone call when brother brought it up, he says that's rape, right there. DH just kind of let it pass and didn't really say anything back. Again, what in the hell?! I'm sure little brother's memory is clouded in that he was mad dh got a kiss from a girl and he didn't. LOL. He never even had a girlfriend until college and then he married her, haha.

Even after that dh still tried to stay connected with him, but it was obvious brother is just too damaged from whatever he perceives as he was wronged all during childhood, by both dh and their parents. Interesting that only a little over a year apart in age and they have so different memories of growing up.  Plus dh was the one putting in all the effort to connect, not brother.

So, the text. You'd think a normal person would text, after 2 years, and say hi, how have you been doing? Nope. He says remember that time we were walking home from a concert at night.....and goes on something about dh flipping off some guys in a car and cops showing up. Then he says why were we walking home in the first place?

What in the hell is wrong with this guy? DH didn't even bother to reply. First off dh says he never flipped anyone off. DH is NOT a fighter, never has been, nor is he the type that went looking for trouble, nor in knowing him almost 40 years (since he was 19) have I ever seen him flip anybody off, ever. Second off, dh said no cops showed up on that walk home.He said to me he's pretty dang sure he'd remember if he had had an interaction with cops as a teenager, especially if it was due to something he supposedly instigated. And third, I'm sure brother must remember why they were walking home, if he supposedly remembers it in the first place? They were walking home because dh's girlfriend (dh was 16 at the time) and his best buddy were flirting with each other at the concert and it was obvious to dh at the time something was going on between them. He got mad/hurt and left to walk the few miles home, so of course little brother went with him.

And lastly, what in the world is the point of even bringing that up? He's just strange. His only intent on ever interacting with dh seems to be to want to make him feel like never did anything good growing up. He only ever wants to seem to wallow in their childhood memories, not be in the present. When dh was visiting with his friend of 40 years, Sunday, I don't think they hardly even brought up any memories from way back. They just talk about stuff going on with each other in the present. What's new, etc. He talked about his motorcycle racing, what it's like to live in Texas, etc. DH talked about living here. You know, how normal people act!

His older brother was basically the same, though he wasn't so much interested in talking about growing up (probably because he is 7 years older than dh), but he certainly was interested in making sure dh felt like he's less than him. DH would never treat them like that. He has no interest in making someone feel like they aren't worthy or are stupid, etc. 

DH has been considering changing his cell phone number because he wants one with this state area code, but also hates to give up the phone number he's had for ever. But, this might just be a good reason to do it, haha. Then he can just give it out to those he wants to talk/text with.

When we were chatting with the neighbors on Sunday, the surveying across the road came up. Mr. said that guy told him he bought a used dozer (or maybe it was backhoe, something like that) and wants to practice with it (because maybe he wants to start using it as a side job from his regular business?), but ok, so he wants to practice using it on his property, why the surveying? Mr. said the cabins were brought up to him years ago, and he hopes that's not what he's planning.


  1. Sadly, sounds like little brother has some serious serious issues and your husband is better off staying as far away from him as possible. It's sad because it's a family member but sometimes, family is toxic and we are better off. Same with the older one. Seems to hold a grudge for some reason, who knows why. My husbands sisters are like that.. One he never hears from and the other like to make things 'look good' so she'll call him on his birthday or Christmas and if anything happens that he gets sick or anything she tries to play the concerned sister which, I don't buy for a second. She complained to him on two occasions that I do not have her on my Facebook and why didn't I?.. I told my husband, want the truth? I can't stand either of your sisters, they are both liars and opportunists. They don't care a fig about you. You haven't seen them in 18 yrs since we moved and they've been back and forth to the south how many times and couldn't stop by to see you?. if they want to know what's happening with you, let them call you , it's not up to me to keep them in the loop and they're just nosey anyway... As they say, you can't pick your family but when you're old enough you can chose to keep in contact....

    1. I hate having people on my facebook that are just nosy and you can always tell who they are, LOL.

  2. It does indeed sound like the brother was drunk. I'm routinely horrified by the incoherent, racist crap that my ex-husband posts on FB. The racism is bad enough but truly most of what he writes is absolutely incoherent and since he does it in the middle of the night I can only assume he's drunk. Why doesn't your DH just block his brother's number instead of getting a new number? It might make his life easier.

    1. well, that's a smart idea, LOL. I'll mention that to him.

  3. Brothers may be jealous because your husband has a lovely home and devoted wife. Just guessing of course.

    1. I'm guessing that's the case with the older brother for sure, but younger brother and his wife have a nice home and good jobs. Neither have even seen our home, but older probably saw pictures after he got friends with him on facebook during they time he tried to have a normal relationship with him. That's the other thing, when dh was trying to reconnect with both of them (at different times) he went and visited them several times, but neither would come see us since we moved here (one is 50 minutes away, the other an hour)

  4. When you block a phone number or contact, they can still leave a voicemail, but you won't get a notification. Messages that are sent or received won't be delivered. Also, the contact won't get a notification that the call or message was blocked. So this might be a great option
