Sunday, April 25, 2021

Plants, real and fake

Yesterday we planted the little flowering shrub in the driveway island, along with most of the ashes. We kept a bit, as I may have something made with them. DH believes in signs. The sign on Friday was right as we pulled into the driveway of the vet, it started snowing (dh loves snow). Yesterday as we opened the door to go plant, there was a raven sitting in the island exactly where we were planting it. Not sure the meaning, as pup hated the black birds, haha, but I'm sure they had some sort of understanding, LOL.

I'm getting really tired of ordering things online to have them show up and not be as described and pictured! Last January I ordered from Wayfair a fake plant. "Artificial Onion Grass in decorative vase". It's some ridiculous price of $100, but it was half off and I had some rewards dollars I used towards it, from purchasing my loveseat. But, it got backordered forever and finally arrived yesterday. It was supposed to be 40 inches tall, which is mainly my reason for purchasing it, I wanted the height, as well as the fullness of it, to set in my entryway, below and off to the side of my big mirror that is on one wall. It was supposed to come up to the bottom corner of the mirror. The one I received is 33" tall and not near as full. There are 8 "flowering" stems, mixed in with the green stems. The picture looks like almost twice that many. Mainly it is just way too short. 7" difference is a lot! It look ridiculous sitting there, so I will find somewhere else to put it. But, it's just too short to set on the floor anywhere, it looks dumb, so I'll have to find a table to set on. I'm disappointed. I will be leaving a negative review, but their site is set up that you can't review it until they receive notification back it's been delivered, so I'll have to wait a few days.

I finished up putting the second coat of stain on the remaining boards. I think dh will give them a day or two to dry/cure before installing, especially as it's been raining outside. Tomorrow should be better, weatherwise. We almost had enough stain left, but of course just not enough, so it's a good thing we bought more.

The medicine for the arthritis does seem to be working for our dog. Lately, if we walk to mailbox, etc, he will not walk the whole way. Used to be he was the one leading the way. Yesterday, he seemed much more back to his younger days and it looks like he's having an easier time getting up from laying down. Right now I'm splitting the pill (2x a day) in half and hiding in a piece of hotdog, but knowing him he'll figure that out pretty soon and I'll have to switch to folding it in a bit of cheese, haha.

My mom's birthday is next Sunday. I need to get her something! I was thinking clothing, but not exactly sure what size she is now (lots of weight gain the past 15 years) and then I kept forgetting to get online last week and get something ordered and on it's way here so it would be here in time. DD is sending her flowers, so I don't want to get her that. It's really hard now to think of things for her at her age and living where she does. She used to like Starbucks gift cards or Subway, but no use for those now that she doesn't drive. I think that's why I kept pushing it off last week, because I can't think of anything. This better be my goal today, I guess. to figure out a gift.....


  1. Would she like special treats, like Swiss Colony, or like Sherrys Berries?

  2. Will your doggie take a pill in peanut butter?
    How about a scarf for your mom?

    1. I've never tried peanut butter, but if he starts spitting them out of the hot dog, I'll try that! She's not a scarf wearer, she just prefers jeans and a nice top, often with a cardigan over it

  3. Replies
    1. I ended up ordering a top and a cardigan sweater. She keeps saying the one she has is so old, she should probably get a new one.

  4. Would some type of box/platform work to lift your "fake" plant to the height you need? Maybe your husband could build a box from his lumber scrap with some trim around the edge to jazz it up a bit and stained to work with the rest of your decor. Just a thought.
    Does your mom like to do word search books? My dad loves them. He goes through them like crazy. I've had to find some bigger ones with more searches so he doesn't keep running out. He does crossword puzzles too, but the word searches are the favorite.
    Or audio books?

    1. I think I found on ok place for the plant and will look for something else in the right size (in person, though!). My mom loves to do crossword puzzles, but no word search. I had gotten her a couple for Christmas and when I was last at her apt, she had quite a few. She's not reading/listening anymore as she can't remember the storyline now.

    2. Ha, I'd just suggested the same thing - "word search" books, when I saw this!

  5. How about a collage of family pictures in a nice frame to put up on your mom's wall?

    1. that's a good idea, she would like something like that.

  6. Same idea as Rae--have your husband build box/platform to suit the height you need. He could even cut a stump of approriate diameter and height.
    Maybe she would like to color.

  7. I also hate ordering online especially clothes. I like to be able to really look at things and touch. Last week I ordered this beautiful coverlet set for my bed. I ordered a an extra large king. They sent me a twin. I went and did the whole return thing and they sent another one right out. That one arrive the next day and guess what? Wrong size AGAIN.. They send me another twin...I saw someone else mention peanut butter.. I have to give one of my dogs a stomach medicine every day and the other gets a thyroid med every day and I use peanut butter....they seem to love it..

    1. That is frustrating to be sent the wrong thing twice! I'm getting "what" I ordered, they just aren't as good as described. I'll have to try the peanut butter

  8. My mom used to like "word finder" books (easier than crosswords) as she got less "with it" towards the end of her life. Just a suggestion but I obviously don't know your mom's tastes!

    1. every so often she will have a word search puzzle book, but always says she doesn't really like them as much as the crosswords (she does the "easy" ones).
