Sunday, January 10, 2021

Peace of mind

Our country is quickly changing. I posted and shared something on my Facebook page yesterday and said when/if this pops up in my "memories" a year from now, I sincerely wonder what we will still be able to say and do a year from now.

We did our research and have purchased 2 "satellite messenger phones". One for us and one for dd/sil. If there is ever a time when cell service and internet are down, we should still be able to communicate with these via satellite. They are not phones you can talk into, they are just like texting. At first I was finding them for $249 at all stores that carry them. And those of you who read here regularly know I price shop! This morning I just found them from a pilot supply store on sale for $199, so I saved $100 total. That savings almost pay for the first year of service for one messenger device.

DH has been talking quite a bit with our neighbor, who shares the same concerns, so I emailed him the link to them last night and emailed a bit with him about them. The basic monthly service plan is $12 a month. Like Mr. neighbor said -  a very reasonable price to pay for some piece of mind! We agree.

I just ordered 2 of them. One to ship to us and one to ship directly to dd. I have a feeling neighbors will also be getting these. Their 3 children all live out of state, too....though it sounds like the son and his family (the one who always leaves their dogs every summer) are planning to move back home here to raise their 4 boys.

And dd said they will also appreciate having the satellite messenger as they like to go camping and hiking and sometimes are out of cell phone range, so this would be nice to have in case of an emergency (they have a GPS/SOS function).

I'm praying for our country. We are first all Americans before we are a political party and everyone seems to have forgotten that.


  1. My husband likes to be prepared so I think we would be fine. He would be able to hunt for quite some time and provide for us. I might do a post about this also but I don't worry about politics at all. I'm very opinionated about all of it though. My mother-in-law has let her obsession with politics take over her life. It's very sad to watch. She has alienated us because we have very different opinions on pretty much everything. I refuse to let something which I have zero control over take over my life. I get up and go to work tomorrow regardless of who wins and what they promise.

    1. being prepared seems like the smart thing to do

  2. No, everyone has not forgotten that. By saying that, you lump us all together, and I refuse to be lumped together with the people responsible for the siege.

    1. ok, I'll revise that to "most people" rather than everyone. I'm not talking about what happened at the white house. I'm talking in overall terms of the past several years. There are good/great people in all political parties, but sadly now it seems we are only identified by which political party we support. Regardless, my family is going to do what we can to prepare as it seems times are probably going to get worse.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you have a link for this that you would share?

  4. Sure it's

  5. We are all Americans, but what the American values are seem to mean different things depending on who answers. We all need to do what we feel is right to protect our families, but humanity is also looking after others, particularly those that are too weak to take care of themselves. That aside, your Satellite phones are interesting and I like how your daughter is thinking camping and so forth.

    1. I didn't say we shouldn't look after others. That is extremely important, but we can much better help others if we have first put ourselves in a more secure position.
