Sunday, January 31, 2021

Keep Out!

The gate is up and we are really happy with it. We have about $2000 into it, and that was mostly to the welder guy to make make the metal hinges and supports. Half of that was his labor time. The wood was free (from our trees cut down) and we did purchase the stain. I haven't priced out wood gates, but dh says they are super expensive. We have a gate latch coming and eventually we will add the automatic gate opener. We already have the electricity run out to the gate piers.

 Nice day out, but it was cold, in the low 30's. 

View looking out the gate:

So, nice to have one of our last big projects done and get that out of the garage space, haha! DH is slowly getting more room in there. He does have a little bit of lumber left. He plans to build me an arbor for the yard, but most of what is left is too twisted to be usable, so he's just going to cut up for outside fire pit wood. I think he also emptied another bin or two out in his shop. As he was able to move stuff stored under the work bench up to his new cabinets, he was able to move stuff from the bins to those under shelves.

DH got a great picture of the eagles with his phone, through the telescope the other day.

I imagine she'll be laying eggs soon and we'll see her sitting there for about 12 weeks, like last year. The telescope was worth getting, just to get a daily close up view of them (though usually we only see one at a time up there at their nest).

I think I'll make some banana bread today. DH didn't eat the last group of bananas, so they either need to be thrown out or made into bread. I think I'll try freezing a couple and see how that goes.

We still need to finish our master bedroom closets......


  1. Bike built, gates finished - whoo hoo. The gate guy must be the quickest and most efficient person you have had to work on this new place - if I am not mistaken. I hope he has a good and long career. I love the eagle pictures, just beautiful.

    1. I think the gate guy (welder) has been one of the best! He ranks up there with our mason guy, who dh still keeps in touch with.

  2. Gate looks great. The whole view is so nice and peaceful. Lovely actually.

    1. thank you! It's extremely peaceful (when the dogs aren't barking haha!)

  3. That gate is really nice - and those eagles!!!! Lucky you!

  4. That is a beautiful gate and so quickly finished! Does he have other skills he sells? Things are really coming together for you two. The eagle pictures are amazing.

    When I freeze bananas for banana bread, I mash first and measure and freeze the amount I need in a plastic bag. Once, I decided to freeze a whole banana in the skin like other people say they do. Well, I did that and it was like peeling snot. I gagged a lot and tossed slimy. I don't so slimy well. Plus, I can get out bad spots out before freezing.

    1. I ended up making a 2nd loaf, so didn't get to try freezing this time. I think welding is this guys only specialty and it sounds like his side jobs keep him really busy.

  5. The gate looks fabulous. You both really have an eye for coordinating everything.
