Friday, January 29, 2021

Making the escape and the rent check saga

DH talked on the phone yesterday for awhile with a guy he's known quite a few years. He has also recently made the move out of the *%%#hole the west coast city he lived in has become and moved to Idaho. He's only about an hour from us now and said he's always out and about exploring (like we did the first year we moved) so he will stop by some time. He said by the time he got ready to move, he couldn't afford property in Idaho where he was planning to buy, as the prices had skyrocketed this past year, so he ended up farther "rural" than originally intended, but is loving it. I had just read an article about that, Idaho home and land prices going up quite a bit due to all the people moving there. 

Speaking of *%%#hole west coast poor side job owners... Almost weekly (I'm not exaggerating) they are having to repair and repaint their building because of all the riots and vandalism. It's getting to be quite the price tag for them. My side job boss lady is just beyond disgusted. But, hey, that's ok right?! She's just a privileged white racist. You know, one of those deplorable people who provides 25 high paying jobs to people in her community. They deserve it.

My mom got her first dose of the vaccine yesterday and all's well, so far. They did say they would have nursing staff on site while giving the shots for any side effects someone might have. But, boy was she confused yesterday afternoon evening about her rent check! Oh my goodness. I have been trying to remind her (to get it set in her brain) almost daily this week that she does not need to write a rent check coming up on the 1st, as that is when her auto withdrawal will start. I called her right after dinner and she brought up that rent is supposedly going up $11 a month (seems strange amount and her rent insurance, included with her rent is $11/mo) and writing a check for her rent and I said no, no more checks for rent, they are taking it out of your checking automatically each month now. Then she was confused how that works. I said just like your other bills, Verizon, health insurance, etc, that come out automatically. She kept being concerned how would they know to do the rent increase? I said the apartment knows how much rent is, so that is the amount they will charge your checking account. I then explained to her I filled out a form with the apartment authorizing them to take the payment out of her checking each month. Then she'd turn around and say "ok, so I need to write a check?"....

Then about an hour later she calls me and says "ok, so I need to write a check for rent?". No....I had to explain it all again. Then she was worried what if they take more than they are supposed to? what if they take like $50 more? I told her they won't do that, they are only authorized to take out what her rent is that is due that month. I told her I will of course be watching her checking account to make sure it's the right amount. "ok, so I write a check then?" No, no more checks!! Then that confused her that she couldn't write checks for anything anymore? No, you can write a check whenever you need to, but you just don't write a check for rent anymore. 

This morning I sent the manager an email telling her my mom will probably bring down a check, so please return it to her :) it will probably take another month for her to get into the new routine.  It's either I go through this with her (hopefully just this month) or go through what I've been going through ever month.....reminding her and reminding her rent is due, asking her if she took a check down, watching her checking account and not seeing the check clear, asking her again, the mgr emailing me they haven't got a rent check, some months her forgetting she took a check down and taking down a second check...I just don't have time for that every single month. I figure after this month the rent check will probably be out of her mind and I won't spend a week every month trying to make sure it got paid.

On Wednesday afternoon I put a message in to my bank, linked from my 2nd mortgage loan asking if they could send me a copy of my latest statement. It shows "read" but no reply. Seriously, how hard it this to either send me or reply back "no, sorry no can do" LOL. I will be calling in a bit, now that they are open for the day, and see if I can obtain it that way.

Woke up this morning to it snowing and about an inch on the ground, though it didn't snow for too long. But, everything is pretty and white for now. It sounds like a snow plow just went by out on the main road, LOL. They are probably bored to death this winter, haha, had to get out and do something.

I will give my mom a call a bit later this morning, make sure she is still feeling ok, from the vaccine.  



  1. I know I've said it before but I'm so sorry that you're going through this with your mom. I'm sure the apartment manager is used to this kind of thing though and hopefully keeps tab also!

    1. I'm sure many of the residents have her issue, too. The couple of times she's taken a 2nd check down they are good to give back to her.

  2. This is really hard for both you and your mom. Hugs...

    1. I know, I want to have her keep doing as much for herself as she can, but I just can't spend hours every month on some of it, when it literally takes minutes (or no time at all in the case of auto pay). I need my energy to deal with all the other things she can't remember ;)

  3. I know this is draining, probably for her, too. Hopefully, it will soak in and stay.

    1. it usually does, after a bit of reminding. I figured I'd have to remind her a bit, just not 10 times in the same conversation, haha.
