Friday, January 22, 2021

Ending the week

After making and selling her first hall tree last weekend, she now has orders for 3 more. She got the 2nd order last Saturday (but the guy doesn't want it until his wife's birthday at the end of the month), then she got an order yesterday and another one this morning.

The metal for our gate was taken to the powder coat place, but they told the welder it will be about 2 weeks before they get to them. We aren't in any hurry and the powder coating cost ended up being half what dh thought it would be. Good, because the welding part is more hours than dh thought, haha. Whatever, I always add 1/3 to what ever dh estimates, LOL. I really like this welder guy. He's right on the ball with it all and very good about communicating with dh where he's at in the process.

Last night I made french dip sandwiches for dinner. We haven't had those in probably 3 years, haha. Dh had two. I just buy roast beef sliced from the deli and usually over estimate how much to get, so he will also be able to have some roast beef on his ham and turkey lunch sandwich today.

The monitor cables I ordered on Wednesday are actually showing out for delivery today. That's the fastest anything has gotten here for a long time. I'll believe it when I see it, haha. Just keeping my fingers crossed I managed to order the right thing. And you'd think with all the cables I have around here now (including old style ones we already had) that one of them would work to hook dh up a 2nd monitor, but nope. Need something different again for that. (have I mentioned how dumb that is?!)

My mom called about dinner time last night (I had already talked to her just after lunch). She seemed a bit more forgetful. She thought she was having trouble with her phone, but I said well, I called you earlier and you answered and you just called me so it must be working ok. Then she had a knock on her door and her dinner was being delivered. She told me she just put it in her fridge until we were done talking. Apparently it was something cold? (usually their big "dinner" meal is at lunch time). We chatted a few more minutes and then she said well, I'd better go - my dinner will probably be here soon. I had to remind her it just got delivered and she put it in her fridge! Yikes.

Her investment account manager was supposed to have a Pin# mailed to her (I think it gets sent from their corporate office) and she said it usually takes a couple of weeks. I keep asking my mom if she's gotten any mail yet from them, but apparently not yet. The good part, I guess, is if she did get it and buried it, it's not going anywhere. She doesn't throw out her mail, even if she has asked me about something and I tell her it's junk mail. So next time I'm at her apartment (they have no visitor policy in place again due to covid positive in workers) I'll go through all her papers/mail again and most likely find it.

People are funny. This decor page I've been following on Facebook....if someone asks for suggestions or opinion I at least try to read through the replies. This lady posted a pic of her washer and dryer in a hallway closet that her hubby never put the bifold door back up for and she's tired of looking at it open. Any suggestions? Barn door barn door barn door. She quickly replied she doesn't have the wall space for a barn door. Barn door barn door barn door. Then I commented If she couldn't get a bi-fold door put back up, I highly doubt she's going to get him to put up a barn door. She replied "exactly!" More comments: barn door barn door barn door. LOL. 

TGIF to the week that felt like a 5 day work week.


  1. Forgive me for the rant, but I am SO SICK of the barn door decor. Barn doors belong on a barn. I'm also sick of the whitewashed looking faux wood floors, subway tiles, and "Live, Love, Laugh" directive decor. My opinion...other people are free to do what they want in their homes, but, really, some stuff is just too overdone.
    And, for what it's worth, I think your place looks great. Very unique.

    1. I think it's really easy to get sick of decor, LOL. We put in 2 barn doors, one over the coat closet in our entryway area and one in a guest room upstairs. I think it fits in with our lodge/rustic styled house, but I think if I had one or more in a regular house I'd get tired of it and eventually just think of it as a trend. Like the guys that flipped the house my dd bought, they put a barn door at master bathroom. I'm guessing eventually my dd will not like it, LOL. I am sick of the "paint it white" answer to just about everything on that page, haha. I've never liked the "words" type of signs at all. When the cabinet guys went to install all our wood cabinets, they said "finally, we get to install something that isn't white" LOL.

    2. The "Live, Laugh, Love" sign has become a joke in my immediate family even before it became a joke in the Dr Rick Progressive ads. My daughters and I associate it with the "Karen" memes. I know it is stereotyping, but the people I know that found that saying so inspiring, have some of the most uptight hang-ups, and self-involved thoughts (think a few family members). I never really got the barn door thing either. A sliding door, yes, but barn door look is odd in most house.

    3. or the new "This is Us" signs, haha. I also have never liked that "pantry" "gather" etc signs. But, everyone has their own style, but I've never been to follow trends much. Like I wanted granite in creams/browns and when I went to look she didn't have any! Said they weren't popular as it was now all whites and grays. By the time I actually needed to pick out/order a year later she had a bunch back in stock.

  2. I understand the repetitive comments. I read those, too. Funny but must be very annoying to the person asking. If I were in her position, I would hang curtains, light colored ones and easily pulled back to work. One time, a prof at UAB asked some of us to come help her hang bifold doors. Another professor and two others of us came, too. The asker sat with a drink in her hand, cigarette, and talking on the phone. We stood and looked at her until she realized she needed to help. She never did, but the bifolds were up with four women helping.

    1. wow, she had some nerve! I think the lady on this post finally gave up saying she can't put a barn door there, haha.

  3. It is frustrating to have to use different cables with different monitors. You would expect they would have been standardized by now, right?

  4. I would hope that your mom is way in the vaccine process and that may allow visitors restrictions to change in the future
