Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Grocery pick up for the win

I forgot to mention the funny from our grocery shopping trip last Friday afternoon. Since I wanted to get a turkey and pick out the size myself, I decided to just do what shopping needed to be done at the grocery store we used to shop at, and not do the Walmart grocery pick up this time.

DH always complains about the Walmart grocery pickup. He hasn't even had to go with me the last 3 or 4 times, LOL. When he was going with me, he'd complain about trying to drive through the (always) crowded parking lot to get over to the other side where you pick up groceries. So, I found a back/side entrance that skips all that. Then he will complain because something got substituted. Or he'll say "but I like to do grocery shopping". So, I just started going by myself.

So, we get to the store and he takes his cart to go get the soda, water and chips (might as well stock up since we are there) and I go off to get the turkey and other things on my list. The store wasn't too crowded, considering coming up on Thanksgiving, but the usual crowded, enough that I don't like it. Then we literally had the slowest checker of all time. As we are walking out to our car, DH says "ok, I'm over it. Walmart grocery pick up is much better" LOL! Just the night before that he had been talking with DD and she said when she got off the call with him she was going over to Walmart to pickup her grocery order. He was giving her crap about it. As we get in our car, he texts her that she is right about using it, LOL.

I called my mom yesterday morning but didn't really get anything out of her on how the visit with SB and his wife went. She just said it was good to see BF, even though it's hard seeing him not doing well. The day before, she had said SB and wife were going to also take her to pick up some groceries. Yesterday she says she's going to run over to Safeway today and get a few groceries. I said "oh, didn't SB take you yesterday?" and she said no, we just went and saw BF is all. I then brought up SB again and said so you guys had lunch first and then went to see BF? Again, no details out of her, LOL. Well, maybe that is a good thing. At least she didn't seem too out of it, like many times after SB has been "helping" her and she just ends up more stressed and confused.

I also see that now that she's not having to stay at BF's every night and sleeping in her own bed, she sleeps in a bit longer. Seems like she's back to her normal schedule, like when she lived in her home.

She mentioned "maybe next summer, when the weather is good, she can get on a bus and come see me. I then brought up her maybe coming over with DD/SIL when they come over for a few days at Christmas. (I've been kind of waiting to see what is going on/happening with BF before I mention it). She seemed to like the idea quite a bit, so we'll see. She changes her mind about stuff all the time. The next time I talk to her she'll probably say "oh, I think I'll just stay home". DD can chat with her about it when she sees her on Saturday.

DD called her yesterday afternoon on her way home from work. Said she was super chatty, laughing and joking (yay!). DD tried bringing up SB too, haha. She even went so far as to say "well, we thought they might be upset about the DPoA". Mom said "well, he should be glad he doesn't have to do it". LOL. She told DD that she was going to go to the store for a few things, but then decided not to, since it's right before Thanksgiving and the store would probably be really busy. So, that was good that she thought of something like that.


  1. It's got to be hard for you knowing what's really going on with SB as your mom does get confused isn't it. But I'm glad she's getting some relief from taking care of BF. I'm sure the rest is doing her good!

    1. It is hard, but at least she seems to be doing well, even without BF living down the hall.

  2. I'm glad to hear that your mom seems to be doing well, even after visiting BF with your SB. Hope she continues to do well, now that she doesn't have to take care of her BF. That must have been a strain on her.

    1. I'm sure she didn't even realize what a strain it was on her doing that every day. I'm looking forward to seeing her in a couple of weeks and comparing it to last visit.

  3. I know that taking care of someone else is difficult. Throw in SB and the pressure he puts on her, not sleeping in her bed and she would become out of it. Hopefully, she will come for Christmas.

    1. I agree, all that would be hard on anyone, let alone with memory issues. I hope she will come for Christmas. That would be so nice to have her here.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you and DH enjoy your time together, and I hope your mom, and DD enjoy their time together as well. I am glad her mood wasn't too affected after the SB visit, but I think Treaders is right you might not really be able to know what goes on with SB!

    1. that part does make me nervous, but between me, DD and uncle, maybe we can stay on top of what SB might do.

    2. Yes, I think you three will have all the bases covered, and hopefully she will elaborate how the last visit went, maybe!
