Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I'm tired of bad news

I just received more bad news, from a dear friend. She found out last night her husband of 30+ years has been cheating on her. She is just shocked and floored. I can't believe it either. I would have never guessed he'd do that in a million years. My heart is breaking for her. DH is good friends with her hubby, too. Now we are both bummed at this news, for sure.

DD finally got her raise. Another huge disappointment with only a $2000/yr increase and still not promoted to Buyer 2. They tell her they are still working on it. Good grief. It can't be that hard. And supposedly she was getting one of the biggest raises. She needs to find something else and get out of that company. Unfortunately, now part of her needs/wants to stay so that she'll have the time off for her wedding/honeymoon next summer. I told her find something else anyway, even if she doesn't accrue enough time off by then, just make sure to tell them in advance she will need a couple weeks off then, even if it's without pay. I wish she could just walk in there right now and hand them her 2 weeks notice.

I just ordered our "porch lights" for shop and house. I decided to also order the house now because if for some reason they aren't available or out of stock in a few months, I'd be mad that I couldn't get the same ones to match. I think I did pretty good finding one at a decent price at $25.99 each.

It has lots of good reviews on Amazon.  

We went out to the property last night so I could take a look at the siding. I think it's the right color! I only have pics of the sample to go off of! Then I was looking around at the covering they had on it, trying to see if it said "tahoe" somewhere on it. Finally see a tag on the tyvek covering.......that says the color is "yellowstone". So we ended up pulling a whole piece out to take a closer look. It doesn't look like "yellowstone". That color (at least online) has a much lighter and golder tone to it. This one matches the pic I had saved on my phone from the building center. I think they must have just threw any old cover over the siding, is all I can think.  Supposedly builder is coming back tomorrow to do the siding, as well as the guy who will pour the foundation for the shed/coop.

The buyer of our house got his "VASHUD" approval (whatever the heck all that means) yesterday to move ahead with the purchase. They have scheduled the VA inspection for next Tuesday.  Then we will just be waiting on the appraisal, - which takes forever out here. Apparently the VASHUD has something to do with homeless veterans, who also have medical needs. Which makes me a bit nervous on his financing, but his lender has told my agent it's all good and he's been prequalified. And I'm sure he must have to meet a bunch of qualifications to get approved for the program and sounds like that has already been done.

At the edge of town, there is a really old building that I think maybe used to be a small hotel or something. A woman purchased it and has been fixing it up for months now to make into small little apartments. This week she got the siding and trim painted on it and boy it sure changed it from looking like a run down old place to something nice and neat. It's nice to see something old and run down get fixed up.  There is also some new little "apartments" that just got built right in town on a vacant lot. Kind of like 3 little townhomes hooked together. Those look really nice, too. I'm kind of surprised that the vacant lots on our street have never sold, since they were created/sub divided 10 years ago. There's still just our house and the rented house next door. But, it was created right before the economy crashed and it's been very slow to recover here, not that it was that great of economy here to begin with. But, this year we are seeing signs of some growth. The two I mentioned above.  We are building on our property and the people on lot 7 are building. The auto body shop right in town just added on to their building and remodeled the outside. It looks much nicer now, too.


  1. The siding will be more golden when it is all up. You would not want one golden piece or when finished it might look like a Midas home.

    There are many guys out there that have cheated and no one would have guessed. Too bad for her.

    1. the yellowstone siding isn't a bad color. I've seen pics of a couple of houses sided with - it's kind of a goldish brown. The one I picked out is just two tones of light brown and brown, so I'm pretty sure I ended up with what I ordered.

  2. Oh dear. I'm so sorry about your friend and her horrible news. I too, found out at my work years ago that my X was cheating on me through the woman he was with, her FIL! He walked right up to me and told me! Shocked is putting it mildly!
    But life will resume for her after many , many months and maybe years. I wish her well.

    Love your porch lights!


    1. Yes, life will go on for my friend one way or the other. I'm just glad she's recently went back to school and got her degree and now working full time. Now I know she will feel like she can support herself, if it comes to that. Thanks for commenting!

  3. So sorry about your friend. As for your daughter, I agree with you. She should seriously start looking for a new job. It looks like they are taking advantage of her.

    1. It sounds like she was applying for quite a few jobs online from home last night (where her fiance works). They assign her the biggest accounts and she's making the least amount of money.....

  4. I think I'm missing something. $2,000 increase does not seem insignificant to me. Again-I might be missing part of the story, so apologies. I do understand though if she has been promised , have had new expectations place don her, and then getting short shifted.

    1. No apologies needed. It's hard to keep up with blog stories, LOL. She was hired 2 years ago, at what I would consider a fresh out of college, little to no work experience (in that field)salary. She quickly showed herself to be very competent to the point they assigned her the biggest/most demanding account (she's a buyer). Her first raise was a pathetic $1000 a year. She started out at $40k, which is normal for just out of college salary in her metro area. Once she proved herself and had that year under her belt they should have raised her a good $5k (and then normal raises after that). So 2 years into this she is making $43k, when with her degree, experience and skills she should easily be making at least $50k a year, where she lives. My company would hire her in a minute (at probably like $55k, now that she has some work experience) but it's just too much of a commute. She will find something better, she's just going to have to keep applying. When my company hires someone just out of college we start them at around $40k. Within 6 months to a year, if they are someone we want to keep and they are doing a great job - boom. they get an increase of $5-10k. After that they get normal yearly increases.

    2. as a point of reference: the receptionist where I work makes $56k a year! (plus bonus) DD is definitely underpaid.

  5. After paying a huge premium for a certain contractor in our rural RH area, we opted to go through a big box store to redo our kitchen floors which were ruined due to a fridge water leak...well, they have been a real pain coordinating delivery/installation, ete because they do everything out of their central HQ and then they almost ordered the wrong color and finally, the installation had to be held up because they did not order the trim pieces....aye yie I see why expensive sole proprietor guy can command such high labor costs...because he is WORTH it!

    1. yes, I agree. You do get what you pay for. Our builder may be slow, but his work is very good and we make sure to also tell everyone that too!
