Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Weird day so far

It's been a frustrating morning. I have basically been offline with work for over the past 3 hours. No fault on my end. Our accounting software crashed again and our IT guy can't get it to work again. He works on it a bit, calls me up, we try to open it again, no luck. This is something that has been happening for months now, off and on with usually a month or two in between. I did not need this this morning. I had stuff to get done, before I need to be off work at 3pm, when my realtor is coming.  Well, at least while I'm waiting for the IT guy to call me back, I'm getting the cleaning/pick up stuff I was going to do during a lunch break.

Yesterday's work at the property was by the excavator, getting our back patio slab prepped. Today the builder showed back up. From a picture DH sent it looks like they are getting the "Tyvek" on the sides of the shop and the excavator is digging the power line.  I guess yesterday the excavator owner's worker guy said "just so you know, this patio slab work isn't in his bid". DH said oh yes it is - it's included in the 11,000 sq feet of prep work DH detailed out on his list to the excavator guy and while the excavator didn't specifically put "patio prep" in his bid description, it's part of that 11,000 feet that was measured out before hand and is listed on the bid. That 11,000 sq ft of prep work included driveway, garage and shop pads in front of doors and patio.

Creative baby gender reveals seem to be the rage now. A relative is pregnant with first child - she found out the sex, but hubby didn't know. He was playing in a baseball game and when he hit the ball pitched to him the ball exploded into pink chalk. Cute.

DD is still trying to plan their wedding, though it's pretty much been on hold the past few weeks, dealing with the death of her future SIL. She did say she's looking for a creative way to not register for all the traditional gifts and if someone wants to give a gift they'd enjoy some cash for their honeymoon trip (they are planning a cruise in Europe). Like she said, they have a house and all the "stuff" - dishes, towels, pots and pans. They really don't need anything.

GRRR. hour 4 now and still can't get back to work. It wouldn't be so bad if I could still get logged into my desktop and do my other stuff/programs, but I can't even do that while he's working on my computer.

Well, I just keep working on stuff. I had washed my duvet cover, so I just got that put back on and made my bed all perfect. Went outside (with my phone on me) and watered my flowers. Put away some papers on my desk into a drawer. It's just like when the realtor was coming to take pics of our house before....I couldn't stop walking around getting everything "just so". I still want to run the vacuum over the carpet again (I did it yesterday) but am waiting for IT guy to call back and don't want to not hear my phone ringing. I still have almost 3 hours before realtor gets here.

I think today is DH's dad's appointment with the heart doctor. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed.

Ahhh, finally back to work.......now with new issues because they had to reset my Windows profile. Now my email signature line is completely gone and I don't know how to add it back (we have to use a specific pre-made one) and I can't access one of our drives with folders I use. My email "view" is all strange and I need to figure out how to move it back to like I had it. I prefer my preview pane on the top of the email to read, rather than on the side.


  1. With my second son I wanted to know what sex the baby was and my husband didn't. So I found out but it was HELL trying to keep it to myself. I never told anyone else either. It was SO difficult trying to discuss girls' names when I knew I was having a boy! "So what do you think about Susan"? "Yeah, great I love it"!

    1. that would be really hard! we didn't want to know so both were a surprise.

  2. If your DD and her fiance include Istanbul in their honeymoon route, tell them they have a free room here at my apartment. I mean it!

    1. How nice! I'll see what she's thinking for destinations.

  3. Have her check out this site https://www.honeyfund.com/

    1. I just let her know about it - thanks for sharing the info!

  4. Just have her make a GoFundMe page and take cash donations instead of a bridal registry for "things".

    1. that's an option - though I think she hates GoFundMe as much as I do, LOL. One of my pet peeves

  5. I am still mulling the honeymoon fund concept. It is better than a lingerie shower (Unless I gave birth to you or am married to you I refuse to buy someone else their underwear)
    I think I would prefer to make a generic cash donation rather than a specific honeymoon trip donation then they could use it however they choose and I would never have to know.
    This coming from someone whose honeymoon was a weekend in Atlanta because TheHub and I both had 9 o'clock Monday classes so we had to be back by Sunday night following a Friday evening wedding. Ahhh youth!

    1. I know, it's a weird deal. I think I'm with you - cash for whatever. My honeymoon was a weekend trip to, because he had to be back to work and I had to be back to class, LOL. I think we took Monday off is all.
