Wednesday, June 27, 2018


A couple of weeks ago I had to spend another $96 on our electrical meter panel. The electrician said it was missing parts. The electrical distributor said that's how it comes, without those parts. So, I made a special trip to the city to pick up the 2 parts.  Then our electrician decided to call the mfg because he just didn't think the panel was complete and should have come with the missing parts. Turns out it was not and somehow got shipped that way. (wouldn't you know we would be the one's to get it?!). He spent some time on the phone with them and the distributor and in the end the mfg. said they would ship out a whole new meter panel (with all the parts it's supposed to have) and we don't need to bring back the bad one. So, electrician installed all of it that he could. When he gets the new one, he's taking the parts out of it he needs and then just keep the rest for spare parts. Works for us. Last Friday afternoon DH and I stopped back in the electrical distributor with those two parts I bought a couple weeks ago (that we didn't need now) and they let us return, so I got the $96 back.  The electrician texted DH on Saturday that he also found the breaker we need, for less than $100. That was the part I ordered from the Amazon seller that was supposed to be new. It wasn't new, let alone it didn't even work. I got that $65 credited back from the seller. I hadn't ordered another one yet, the cheapest I found was $120, so he saved us about $25.

I also need to pick up a vanity light for over the shop bathroom sink. We looked at Lowe's while we were there. Seemed like most on display were expensive or too fancy and didn't see any really cheap ones. I looked at Home Depot online and they have lots of really cheap ones. We don't need anything fancy in there at all, so might as well save where we can. This one is like 13 bucks

That's all we need. There will also be an overhead ceiling light, so it should be plenty bright in there.  I also need to get 3 outdoor lights. Here is what I think I am going to get, which will also be what we use on the house.

These are $26 on Amazon and have lots of good reviews. I also googled it to see if it was cheaper anywhere else. No, but last summer it was actually on sale at Amazon for like $15. Maybe I'll get lucky and another sale will happen. Everything else I liked (like from Lowe's or Home Depot or other lighting websites) were at least $35. Most that I liked were closer to $100 each. I think these will look nice. I also added it to my "droplist" with Honey, so I will get notified if the price drops. We need 3 on the shop. I'm not sure how many on the house. I think 6. One on each side of front door. One on each laundry room door (we have a door on each end of laundry room, (one goes out front and one goes out back of house) and one on each end of the garage.

I also just received a check in the mail for $145 for an escrow adjustment on our house mortgage. Nice, better than owing!

We also just received our first little electricity bill from our property. This is through a different power company. A co op. In looking at their rates it appears we are going to be saving about 25% over what we are paying the big electric company we have to use here in town. That will be nice! Plus we are installing a heat pump, so that will save on electricity usage too. We were on a co op at our  old house and it was so much cheaper than the main electric company that serviced most of the area.

And! it looks like we will be getting our mid year bonus next week. We are so close and still have 3 work days to make it. We should hit it by Friday. 


  1. Always good to save where you can! The $13 light is the exact same one we put in the bathroom we remodeled in our old house. We didn't want to spend a lot since it was just for the purpose of selling the house. For the price, it looked good.

    1. Heck of a price-especially when not wanting to spend a lot!

  2. The shop bathroom light is perfect & manly:)
    The outside lantern lights are nice and perfect too. We got a similar looking fixture at Lowe's...2/$30...discontinued. Well that's what it said. We put them on the house and garage. This has been a few years but I always thought they were always marked wrong. When you're building any & all savings are welcomed. You guys are moving right along!

    1. that's what I was thinking - the chrome looked kind of manly ;). There are some porch lights that I have come across and clicked on the link and they were like $300 EA. Ya, that's not going to happen!

  3. That is what we have found with cost of electricity. Texas has right to choose, so you can choose your provider if you live in a city and we always went with the lower cost one, but the expense out here is about the same. We were surprised!

    Perfect light for the shop sink!

    1. I've never lived anywhere you get to choose which power company you use. Just stuck with whoever services that area. Lucky you!
