Saturday, June 9, 2018

Early to bed Early to rise

Today was yet another get up at 5:30 am day. Not my strong suit. We left the house at 6:15 and I dropped DH off at the property at 6:30. His rockery guy was coming back to do some more work around where our back patio will be. I headed into the city - wanting a mocha! Got to Target at 7:20 to realize they don't open until 8am.  So, I went over to Walmart to do my grocery shopping. I figured that early in the morning it should not be crowded at all, and it wasn't.  Then I realized I forgot my list. I grabbed a piece of paper off my desk this morning and stuffed it in my purse, but it wasn't my list. I just went up and down almost every aisle so maybe my memory would jog if I happened to forget something I had written down. I looked at my list when I got home and other than 2 not really needed items, that is all I forgot.

Next stop was another grocery store. I had some rewards to use up and chose free dozen eggs and free case of bottled water. I also picked up some strawberries and shortcake cups, and some cookies from the bakery aisle. They also had a Starbucks in the store so I got my coffee (with some money I still have left on a gift card).

Last stop was Target for laundry, toilet paper, more cookies and some soda. I decided to "splurge" on myself a bit. Bought 3 t-shirts (3 for $20) as I'm in need of some new t-shirts for summer wear. I also bought some new shampoo and conditioner that is a bit more than I usually spend. A couple weeks ago my cousin posted on Facebook a before and after pic of her blondish hair after using some new product. Her hair didn't look as gray. I commented "I need that! LOL". Turns out she is online selling some new hair stuff called Monat and said she's send me some samples of the shampoo and conditioner. It was such a tiny sample that I did manage to get 3 uses out of, but couldn't really tell much difference in my hair. Then I looked at how much this stuff costs. No way I am paying $50 for a bottle of shampoo! While perusing the hair care aisle at Target I decided to give the John Frieda Brilliant Blonde shampoo and conditioner a try and see if that brings out some of my blonde (that is almost all white now).

Took about 50 minutes to get back home. There is still quite a bit of road construction going on and down to one lane freeway and reduced speeds for quite a few miles.

I unloaded all the stuff and got most of it put away and then I printed out some checks I need to mail out for my side job and ran those over to the post office and to pick up our mail.  Got home and DD called to chat. She spent the night at grandma's house and will leave her dog with her for the weekend, while she, her fiance and his family have the memorial service for fiance's sister.

It's almost noon and being up at 5:30am I am ready for a nap. So off I go.......


  1. After getting up one day and having had 8 hours of sleep, I thought I was going to die by noon. The day was sooo long that I had to have a nap. $3 is my limit for a huge bottle of Garnier shampoo. But, if shampoo could put back color in my hair, I would splurge. I was a dark brunette, so there is not fix for dark hair.

    1. $3 is usually my limit too. I've been using up two huge bottles of Tresamme I bought at least 3 years ago for next to nothing on a RiteAid deal.I probably still have almost half of the second one left. So, spending $9 ea on some new shampoo and conditioner is probably ok, since I haven't bought shampoo in forever ;)

  2. Early/Late nights do a number on me. I feel like I'm still playing catch-up after a super busy week. $50 for shampoo? Not in my world!

    1. Not in my world either. I've been waiting for my cousin to message me back wanting to know if I want to order some. I'm just going to have to tell her that it's not in my budget.
