Monday, June 11, 2018

Plugging along

I swear it seems like Monday's just keep coming faster and faster. Yesterday morning we went out to the property to mark out where we want our front and back patios to be. The weather has really cooled down the past few days, which has been nice, though it was pretty cold out yesterday. It only took us maybe an hour to do this, as we pretty much already had it drawn out how we wanted it. It will make for a nice back patio area looking out over the river. There will be an area outside our dining room french doors for a patio table and chairs. There will be a nice area on the other end, outside our bedroom for a couple of lounge chairs. The middle will be covered and out from our great room.  The front will be a walkway from the driveway and then a smaller covered area coming out over the front door.

Friday early afternoon my neighbor friend across from us texted me to ask if I heard any commotion going on at their place earlier. I hadn't, though from inside my house it would be too far away to hear anything as they are on the other side of a field across from us. I asked her if something happened and she texted me back a picture of one of her chickens that had been killed by something that got in her yard. Poor chicken. They don't know what got it, but are guessing a dog. A fox or coyote would have ate it or taken it to eat. We rarely see dogs running around, so not sure. Their yard is fenced with a 4' chain link fence, like ours is.

Friday the roof work only got about half done. They only worked a half day because a couple of the young guys had a baseball game to participate in and and they aren't working today as one of them had some other recreational activity going on. So, don't tell us you and your guys are working 7 days a week! You aren't even working 40 hours Mon-Fri! Today the excavator is supposed to be there getting ready for water and power lines. The power guys want to do it on Wednesday, as they will be out in our area for another job. We'll see, I guess.

People are weird. DH's good friend (who used this same builder to build his beautiful house and shop) has been acting weird. He spent the first year and a half we've lived here telling DH how much he will help him with some of the stuff on building our house/getting site work done. Then when it came time to help he tells DH "I don't know how much I'll be available, we're going to do a lot of camping this summer". Well, no biggie. We had kept telling him we didn't expect him to help on it - he's got his own job and house to take care of. We could also tell that he is drinking more and more often. DH posts just about every day pics and stuff of our progress. Most of the time neither this friend or his wife click like on anything anymore. DH and his wife used to comment a lot on each others posts (joking a lot) all the time. I told DH it's not about him. I'm sure they are having problems (we sure heard enough about them since we moved here) and not to take it personally. DH said a weird thing came up with our builder or one of his sons on Friday made the comment that DH doesn't know if it came from friend or what but something to the effect that DH had to "one up" friend in building his shop by making the roof taller than friends (otherwise it's the same size shop). DH was like 'huh?!....hmmm. well that never crossed my mind. I picked the roof height because it wanted it to be the same pitch as our house and match it!". So, who knows, friends are jealous of a shop?! People are weird.

Our realtor is coming out tomorrow afternoon to do our pics and get our listing going. He said he also would love to go out to our  property and see the progress. Sounds like tomorrow will be a busy afternoon.

Hanging on day by day to see if we make our sales goal at work. Last month was good and we were still on target, this month so far isn't. It always seems to be down to the last day of June to see if we make it to get our mid year bonus. I could sure use that $4100 (though it's about $3100 after taxes), ya know?!


  1. Why can't people just be happy for others? It really does sound like this friend is jealous. Personally, I'm thrilled for you~and I only know you via blogging! Lol

    I really hope you get your bonus. That money would go a long ways with your build.

    Exciting for you to get your house on the market! With the way things seem to sell in your area, it doesn't sound like it will be very long before you have a sold sign! Woohoo!

    1. it's hard to figure them out, that's for sure. Kind of like they like it when attention is on them, but not the other way around, I guess.

  2. I do not call a friend a friend when he/she cannot be happy for me. However, their behavior may be due to the marital problems too so, I would let it go.

    Hope you get your bonus. It will surely help your building budget.

    1. That's what DH was saying - hard to want to be a friend when they act like that. But I'm guessing a big part of it is the drinking and marital problems so we are just going to let it go. We are way to busy right now to worry much about it.

  3. Things seem to be going along - it seems quickly, but I'm sure you don't feel that way since you are in the middle of it :) I hope the bonus comes through - think of all the tile, counter top, or other fun stuff you can get!!!

    1. The past week has been coming along much faster than the previous 8 weeks, that's for sure. I'm praying for that bonus!
