Sunday, June 17, 2018

House work

It turned into a 12 hour day at the property yesterday. DH was going to install "blocking" up in the trusses, so that the electrician can install recessed lighting. That big shop needs A LOT of lights! 31 four foot LED fixtures. 31 blocking spots to put up. Up on a scaffolding. DH was up there, I just moved it around when he was ready to move to the next spot. Plus it was pouring down rain so hard the first couple of hours we were there. The roof leaks! Ok, not really, but it did. It dripped pretty much everywhere inside, since the roofing material wasn't on yet. It was not pleasant outside, for sure. There was only sheeting on the trusses. The roofer crew had just shown up when we got there. They were supposed to come Friday, but said they would get it done Saturday and Sunday. Ok. Then the guy realized he forgot a couple things so his daughter had to drive to the city to get them (like a 1 1/2 - 2 hour round trip). He and the other guy got started. After she got back they said they were going back to the hotel in town (they got a room for Sat night) so they could change to dry clothes and would be right back. After they left the rain stopped. 3 hours later they get back at 3pm. 2 minutes before they pulled in it started pouring again. They worked until about 7:30pm and only got about half of one side done. I was just out there again this morning at 11am, dropping off something to DH and they were still working on the same side, so I really don't think it's all getting done by the end of today!

It was a super long day. We didn't leave until like 9:40pm. My back hurt, my feet hurt, my hips hurt. Standing on concrete for 12 hours is not fun.

Our shower for the shop bathroom got delivered and installed Friday.

Our realtor texted yesterday that someone wanted to show the house on Sunday afternoon at 2pm. Yay. So this morning we get up and get everything spiffed up. DH mowed the lawn. I vacuumed, etc. General tidying. At 10:30 my agent texts me that they cancelled. Boo!

Here is the roof with what they've gotten done so far. It's so hard to pick out colors! (at least for me it is). When the roofer guy opened the first bag the roofing comes in he said he really liked it, pretty color. I said I hope it will look good. He then asked what color the siding will be and I said a two tone brown (siding is pre-painted) and he said "oh, brown house - you should have done a green roof".  No, I do not like green roofs.  He also said right now it's a little darker looking than normal, because of all the rain on it.

 I have no idea if it's all going to look ok. It's so hard to look at the stuff on such a small scale and know it will look good. I tried to look at pictures of houses and roof colors but there is really everything. Dark house with light roof, light house with dark roof. Light house with light roof. It as giving me a headache, so I just decided to go with what I picked out.

this is the siding (at the building supply place). Again, it's just a small sample to look at.
The bottom 3 1/2 feet of the shop will have stonework around it. I think I might do a lighter color trim, like what is on the bottom of this siding sample. I hope it will all look ok. It's scary to make such a basically permanent decision. I certainly can't afford to re-do it!


  1. I LOVE green roofs, but that is me - our shed has a green roof and it blends with the trees so nicely.

    I think the color sample will be gorgeous - so natural looking. However, the darker roof line looks fabulous - so don't worry too much about the green.

    Are you leaving the shed floors concrete?

    1. yes, they are staying concrete, though DH would like to epoxy them if budget allows.

  2. I actually prefer the brown for a roof. At the property we moved from, we put a burnished slate color on our horse barn and I loved it. Will likely do something similar when we renovate our current home.

    I love seeing the progress that is being made. I'm sure everything is going to be beautiful!

  3. Meant to ask, is that cement board siding?

    1. No, we are going to use LP Smartside siding. The house we are in now has the cement board siding and we aren't that impressed with it and our builder said he prefers the LP siding

  4. Wow, the progress is remarkable, even with thr delays! Standing on concrete for 12 hours is not fun, even if you do it all the time. Those colors are going to look great. It's natural to doubt yourself, but you just wait and see, you will love your choices when it's all done!

    1. I figure I can't go too wrong if I stay in neutral colors LOL. Thank you!

  5. I'm not sure I would want to build a house after everything you guys are going through. You are INFINITELY patient (NOT my strong suit) and the house is going to be amazing, but I would probably have to live in jail because I would have decked one of those workers by now :)

    1. Haha! It will be a miracle if dh makes it through all this without decking someone:)

  6. The lighter the roof, the easier to cool or it will be cooler if not using ac. I know you are using ac. I think. Plus, lighter roofs are better for the earth. But, that is my thing and probably not yours. I have a green roof and love it on the white house.

    You worry. I just make up my mind and know it will be okay. (Of course, I could be Yours will be great.

    I had to fire the guy doing remodeling before I killed him.

    1. yes, we will be cooling (and heating) with a heat pump, so hopefully that is more environmentally friendly than all propane/electric.I also read on a roofing company website that a darker roof looks newer longer than a light roof. I guess green is just not my color, LOL

  7. Wow!! The Shop is quite impressive. It's neat to see it all come together.

    1. thanks! it's going to be nice, I think. DH will love it. He'll be out there all the time and our black dog will be outside all the time playing with all the chipmunks. LOL
