Monday, April 30, 2018

Bad blood

It's been a crappy few days.  It started out with my day off on Friday morning. I fasted and got to the doctor office when they opened at 8am for my blood draw. I had also been told that this office is walk in- no appointment needed for the blood draw and the mammogram, I also needed. The mammo tech doesn't get in until 9:30. Oh, ok, so just come back at 9:30? Yes. Went and did some shopping and went back at 9:20 to check in. Was told 3 people already had appointments, so they couldn't see me until 11:30. Oh good grief! So, you do take appointments then? Yes. Oh good grief! The first lady that checked me in at 8am couldn't have looked at told me there were already 3 scheduled? So, I made an appointment for it in two weeks.

At 4pm I get a call from my ARNP. She wants to talk about my blood work. She had recommended, due to being a baby boomer age group, that I be tested for Hep C, because as far as I know I had never been tested for it. Apparently I tested "reactive" for it. So, I need to come back in for another blood test for it. What in the world?! I really don't know a whole lot about it, but the most common ways to have gotten it was either through getting blood years ago or IV drug use. I'm a big fat no to both of those. Apparently most people have have had it for decades and not known. From my online research it also appears that about 20-25% of people who caught the virus are able to have their bodies healed it themselves, so they still have the antibody in their blood stream and will show a positive "reaction" with the first blood test, but then not show it in the second type of blood test. So, I guess I basically have about a 75-80% chance that I do have it.  Fortunately, they have medicine that cures about 99% of it now, so I guess there is that to be very grateful for.  I know my bosses best friend found out several years ago she had it. Eventually she was able to take the new drug when it came out and I believe that took care of it, but she went through a lot of treatment trying to get rid of it before that.  She had had a blood transfusion about 30 + years earlier, which is what they think it was from.

So, I go back in this morning for another blood draw. I'm not sure how soon I will hear anything. In the meantime DH is being like WTH?!! how did you get that?!! - like I did it on purpose or something. They were able to get me in for a mammogram this morning, so at least I now have that out of the way.

Thursday late afternoon I had gone out to our property and during the half hour I was there, in the nice warm sunshine, wearing a t-shirt, my arms got attacked by "no see um" bugs. I must have gotten 30 bites on each arm. I got to spend the whole weekend itching like crazy.


  1. I had the same experience with the hep C test. I was horrified. No drugs and no blood transfusions. I asked him how I could have gotten it. He did not know. However, there was nothing for me to do as there was just a tiny percent. He asked had I ever been really sick. Well, just sinus stuff. So, it is a mystery to me.

    Did you have a 3d mammogram? That is the latest and best and all the breast doctor would accept.

    My friend and I were standing in my yard and she was screaming noseeums were biting her. Nothing was biting me. I still don't know what those things are.

    I think receptionists like that are either lazy or just want to show their power to screw up a day for a person.

  2. So, you were positive for it, but never had to do anything about it? It's a mystery to me too. I've never been really sick either. Just seasonal allergies. I haven't even had a cold in years. yes, it was a 3d mammogram. I don't think it was as "fancy" a machine as the one where I used to get it done, where I used to live.

  3. I am so sorry about the way your day turned out. I like appointments even if they run a little behind.

    1. I'd rather have appts too, but they had made it sound like it was only walk in. I was ok with waiting from 8 to 9:30, but I wasn't going to wait another 2 hours on top of that. Glad I was able to get it done today, wait at all.

  4. Hope your week will be much nicer. I am sure the Hep C thing will turn out to be nothing to worry about.

  5. Hopefully the blood work turns out to be nothing to be concerned with.

    1. I hope so too, but looks like the percentages aren't in my favor :(
