Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Waiting game

I'm still waiting on the blood test results. I guess I should have asked how long it will take to hear.  I was logged in "mychart" and I see they had received some of my old doctor office test records. Looks like everything from my last physical there, almost 2 years ago. I saw the cholesterol test results. Also two test results I didn't know what they are: AST and ALT. I googled and these are liver tests. Standard to test for? I don't recall my previous doctor mentioning anything about it. But, they were totally normal, so I guess that is a good sign, they were normal a couple years ago. My new bloodwork tests I just had done only show tested for cholesterol and HepC, nothing with those AST or ALT test results.  I'm the type that worries. So, I did more research on Hep C to try and be prepared for the worst. The main medicine for it costs.........$90,000!! I am not kidding. My insurance shows my share for the 3 month treatment would be $195. Crazy.

I'm still waiting on a co-worker to help me out with something. It's been 2 months! We sell a product that we will use in our house construction. I need her help figuring out how much we'd need. I asked her two months ago, figuring I'd give her plenty of time to get to it when she has time, no rush. After a month with no answer, I asked her about it again. She forgot about it. Now she's been telling me for another month she'll get to it in a few days and now another month has gone by. I'm tired of bugging her about it.  Plus, once she gives me how many we'd need, then I still need someone else's help (probably a sales or quotes person) on which type to get, which manufacturer to order from.

So, today I sent my boss an email asking for the favor. I said I was hoping to order and get our company cost (people do it all the time for themselves, family/friends, and customer's personal orders. We're a mfg rep, so we get even below wholesale distributor cost.  I told my boss I had asked co-worker a couple of months ago and I don't want to keep bugging her about it, so does she know of another way/person I can get help with this? Well, of course her reply is this is the co-worker who can get me the answers I need. GAH. I'm so tired of asking her. Boss said it shouldn't be a big job for her to do. And she should also be able to recommend product. Ok......I'll keep bugging her. Sure, I get this is for personal use and not top priority, but other's do this stuff all the time and after 13 years of working there, I think it's my turn to get the favor. And I think 2 months is plenty of time to get this done for me! Plus, I'm the type of person that is going to send her a little thank you gift for her help, ya know?! A Starbucks gift card or something.  My boss emailed me some good info on what she used in their garage for LED lights, so that info does help me a bit.

I made some more rice in my rice cooker today, with more water added. Turned out much better, though I guess I really wasn't that  hungry for rice. I didn't eat much.

Finally got a long unresolved question/issue with  my side job answered today.  Had to do with their 401k and the matching. It was a case of no one person knowing the whole proccess/prodecure, so we thought we were missing a part.  I've been trying to get this answered for months now, so am very relieved to finally have it off my to do list.


  1. Hope you get the info you need quickly after such a long delay!

    1. me too! I hate feeling like a pest about stuff. I hope she doesn't do her job like that for our customers. LOL

  2. I hope your colleague will get back to you soon. On your test results: Please do not worry before you have to worry :) I know, I am like that too but that is not healthy. I am sure you will be fine.

    1. I know, but it actually made me feel a bit better to use the worry to get some answers. At least I know I won't go broke, trying to pay for $90,000 medicine. That was more than a relief.
