Saturday, October 7, 2017

What's that smell?

DH went outside with the dogs last evening, probably 7pm or so. Standing in front our our house, waiting for the pups to do their business, he said it completely reeked of pot outside........well, we only have one close enough neighbor (right next door) and he said the window on side of their house was open. Renter guy wasn't home yet, but his GF was. Ugh. So gross.

We received an email from the guy that owns the vacant lots on our street (the developer of this street). He said when he was here he had noticed we had a nice new fence and wanted to know who we used (if we didn't do it ourselves) as he needs to do a fence at another property here in town. I emailed him back with the fence guy's (not local, I don't think there is a fence company here local) name and phone number. It felt good to be able to recommend the fence guy. He did a great job and he and his son were so nice. I remember when they were done that second day, we were heading to dinner at the restaurant in town and invited them to come with us, our treat. We will be using him again when we fence our new house. It was just a nice meal and nice company and we didn't feel strange sitting there and talking with people we didn't know.

Dealing with people/companies around here is so different than where we used to live. People take the time to chat with you and no one ever seems rushed. It's a nice change and you feel more like you get to know the people. Even our UPS/FedEX/Water meter guy/garbage man, etc will all take time to stop at talk a few minutes. When DH met with the power company guy Thursday, he was out at the property talking with him at least an hour. Everything is so much more laid back here. DH called the guy that has the rock quarry to let him know our well being dug got bumped up almost 3 months, so we had to pay for that now and will have to push the rock wall job out a couple of months. The guys response? "oh good, when I saw your text asking me to call you, I thought you were going to say you were ready now..and well, hunting season is about to start" LOL. Like one of DH friends said, when he was chatting with him on the phone, over here quality of life is just as, if not more, important as making money.

Last Thursday night was finally another bookclub meeting. We haven't had one since like May, as each month they kept getting cancelled. But, I had to miss this one, since I was visiting DD and Mom. This meeting was just to brainstorm ideas about getting the bookclub going in a positive direction again, as it had really petered out. I'm sorry I missed it. The next meeting is at the end of this month. I've recently read the book, so I am good to go. It will also be held at my property neighbors house and we also have another new member, who just moved to the area recently. Yay, I won't be the "new gal" anymore. Haha! They also decided no meetings for Nov and Dec, since it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas during our meeting time.

We have the weekend upon us, but no plans and I know DH will be bored. It's rainy. I can't think of anything to do to keep him busy. Hopefully, he'll come up with something. I do have housecleaning to take care of, but that never takes too long.


  1. A neighbor like yours would motivate me all the more to build...sooner than later! Sorry you are still dealing with their crap.

    Although I know we are many states apart, our areas and the people are so similar! Such an easier pace of life. I can no longer imagine ever going back to the chaotic life we used to have.

    1. The building time is just around the corner! My 5 days visit back to the chaotic life was enough to remind me how much nicer it is here, that's for sure.

  2. I live in a small city where things are less hectic when dealing with service people. I don't want to have to deal with cigarette or pot smoke in my own home or on the porch. I think I would mention, somehow, the smell. Idwould do it in a curious way,like--did you know I can smell smoke from inside your house?

    1. Their cigarette smoke (I've never seen the guy or his (ex)wife without a cigarette in their mouths and since he spent most of his time in his driveway, we always smelled it when we went outside, if he was home. The pot smell is new, from the new GF. That's a great way to mention it! When we got our keys to move in, the old owners were still here, and one of their comments about the neighbors was "they smoke" and we didn't really understand until we could smell it when we'd go outside.

  3. Too bad they haven't moved. You will be at your won home soon so, you will not have to deal with this stuff thankfully.

    1. we were really hoping when the wife and kids left, that he'd find someplace else to live, maybe closer to his work and not commute.Thankfully neither of them are there too much. He still gets home around 10pm (GF usually just before him) and leaves at 6am. She usually leaves by 9am each morning. But when they are home, you sure know it LOL
