Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A new purse

I am not really a purse gal. I have and use one, but one and only one. I use whatever purse I have until it wears out and then I'll buy a new one. I've been getting to the point where I need a new one, as mine is losing it's shape. But, I really do not enjoy purse shopping, so I've still been using it. Well, this morning I got an email from the lady I work for at my side job (her hubby owns the business and she works there and is my main point of contact) that she has a nice leather purse she bought on a trip to Argentina, but now that she's had it home, in the big city, she doesn't feel it fits her suburbia style. She thought it needs a home in a more rural/horse country area, LOL, so thought of me. She texted me a picture of it and said she'll send it to me, if I like it. It looks very nice and something I would like. It's kind of hard to tell how big it is, more of a satchel style (which I have never had) but hey - it's nice and free and I'm sure I'll use it. It's probably not something I would ever purchase for myself - mainly because I'm sure it was expensive and I don't think I have ever spent more than $35 for a purse. I don't need to have 10 $300 purses in my closet. LOL. It was very nice of her to think of me and offer it.

But, using this new purse I will need to get a wallet now! The past few purses I have had have the wallet built in. Those are kind of harder to find, but I've just kept buying them as I like not having to dig into a purse for a wallet. I can put a wallet on my Christmas wish list :)  This new purse also looks like the kind that you just dump everything into it. Which I probably won't like much for keys. My current purse has an outside pocket that I put the keys in and it's easy to find and even DH knows where to find the car keys easily.

What kind of purse gal are you? I know I'm probably not the norm when it comes to women and purses!


  1. I like it! I'm also not much into purses. I stumbled across a really nice black leather Tignanello a few years ago at a thrift store for $5. The purse is still going strong and hopefully will for several more years.

    1. at least you know what is good and not. I wouldn't know that name from a hole in the wall.LOL. I'm thinking this Argentinian leather pursue will probably last me a long time too.

  2. It is a nice looking bag. I only carry a purse to dressy events and have several clutch bags for those. My everyday walking around bag is a Vera Bradley changeable back pack which can be used as a handbag or shoulder bag also, but I always wear it on my back.

    1. I do have one black dressy clutch that my mom gave me as a hand me down years ago. I've used it a few times but not much dressy evening events in my life anymore.

  3. Love that purse ! It's gorgeous ! Lucky you !

    1. She's sending it UPS and I'm anxious to get it and see it in person :)

  4. Ha, my purse cost €15 from Turin market and I have had compliments on it. Hey you've either got it or you haven't right. Then when I was just in Greece I bought a new wallet for €7 as I carry 2 - one for Swiss money and one for euros. I can't see the point of spending money big time on stuff like that but each to her own I guess. Anna

    1. that seems like a smart idea to have two wallets since you have to deal with 2 currencies. I rarely carry cash anymore. Just use my debit card. Though when I was checking out at the little grocery in town yesterday they had a jar to donate to the local food bank and I did happen to have a few dollars in my wallet so I dropped it in.

  5. Mine is more a small tote bag that I got at Walmart in Hawaii about 8 years ago because its red and has sea turtles on it. My wallet is a guys that fits in my back pocket

    1. I think if I had to keep a wallet separate from being inside a purse I'd probably forget it all the time LOL. My current purse is just black with several sections.

  6. That looks well made. I think that's a key fob on the outside of it -- you could attach your keys to that with a small carabiner clip.

    1. I was noticing that too. That's a good idea with the caribiner clip.

  7. I'm not sure I could fit keys and a billfold in my front jeans pockets and then be able to sit, haha. My boss doesn't use a purse at all. Just one of those cell phone type wallets and a big work tote bag for all her work stuff. I used to carry a big work tote to work, as well as my purse and lunch bag. Too much stuff!
