Sunday, October 29, 2017

An outdoor day

Saturday we took advantage of the nice sunny day and went to our property so DH could do some more measuring and pound some stakes in for building corners, etc. It was kind of a long process and we were there over 4 hours. Plus, he used his surveying tool (I can't remember what those are called) to check the grade. He was pleased, as apparently the guy who did the site work was spot on and did that just eyeballing while he worked.  The neighbors dogs were doing their usual barking up a storm, of course. Gosh, that gets really old. It didn't appear that they were home. Finally after about a half hour the dogs (3 of them, usually there are 4) settled down a bit and were only barking off and on.

Then neighbor wife came outside, she said she had been in the shower and then got out and heard the dogs barking up a storm. We chatted with her a bit then her hubby got home from hunting and we chatted with him a few minutes, but they had to get ready to leave again. Finally, after they left the dogs completely settled down for the rest of the afternoon and it was quite pleasant out there. It honestly has not been very pleasant to go out there and every time we do, we have to listen to dogs barking the whole time. But, lately it does seem to be getting better, where they finally shut up. LOL.
Our dogs just ran and played and wore themselves out.

When we got there it was only about 40 degrees out, but did warm up to almost 60 by later afternoon. We had dressed warm, though, with some long underwear under our jeans. We had taken a lunch with us, too. I also walked down to lot 6 and picked up some pine cones to send to DD. That lot has bigger ones than ours does and she wanted some for her candle selling display she is doing at a holiday bazaar in a couple of weeks.

It was good I went and helped DH with this. Helped save his legs from at least half of the walking to measuring, string lines, etc. While it would have been really nice to have the afternoon to myself at home, it was good to be outside all afternoon and get the fresh air and exercise.  Once we got home about 4:30 we were both pretty tired and making dinner was the last thing I felt like doing, so we drove the mile back into town and had dinner at the restaurant. I had breakfast for dinner and DH had french dip sandwich.


  1. I had a neighbor whose dogs could hear me in the house, so they barked when I turned on water for tub, used can opener, walked about, opened a drawer, put down a pencil. It was intolerable. Another seven dogs in one yard hit the back fence when I was outside. If someone were walking about with me, we could not hear each other talk.

    1. that's what happened when the neighbor lady came outside. The dogs started up again and we couldn't hear to talk to her!

  2. I’m guessing it is a transit level your dh may have used. My hubs has a very old one that was passed down to him from his grandfather, although I don’t recall my dh ever using it! Such a pretty piece of property you have!. Eventually, those dogs will get used to your activity and should settle down. Nothing worse than a dog that constantly barks.

  3. they are gradually getting better. That is what we are sure hoping is they get used to us once we are there all the time. The main issue is they have a doggie door to go outside whenever they want so all day while the couple isn't home the dogs can sit outside and bark if they want. I love dogs but I would never let my dogs bark like that.

  4. If someone were walking about with me, we could not hear each other talk.

