Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Succulent care

Earlier in the summer I bought this bowl of succulents at a garden center.

It sat out on our picnic table all summer and appears to have loved the 100 degree days. I've never had succulents before and now I don't know how I'm supposed to care for this with the coming cold. I'm assuming it would not do well being outside for much longer (it's starting to freeze at night now), so I brought it inside. Does anyone know how I'm supposed to care for this year round?


  1. Just light and water. It's pretty easy to tell when they are thirsty because their plumpness just starts deflating. lolz

  2. Take Slug's advice as I have no clue! Lol Very pretty, though!

  3. Ditto Sluggy. They let you know what they need and they are so delightfully unneedy.

  4. This short article had good info, they need good light & very little watering. It say every 10-14 days & don't get leaves wet. Quickest way to kill it is to keep it wet. http://www.inthecountrygardenandgifts.com/articles/over_wintering_succulents_indoors.php.

  5. Thanks for all the info. I only watered it about every week or two while it was sitting outside this summer. Hopefully it will get enough light in the house, now. I don't really have a great place to put it inside where it gets lots of light

  6. A friend of mine is a big fan of succulents and I asked her. She said that you should bring it indoors to a place where there is plenty of light and water it every to weeks or so during the winter. Very little water is all they need.

    1. thanks for asking! hopefully the spot I have put it in will give it enough light. I really like this pot and it was kind of pricey, so I'm hoping I can keep it alive, LOL

  7. I love them! I had an old bird bath one year left over and I spray painted it to look new. It had a few cracks in it. I filled it with dirt and then succulents and it was gorgeous all summer into fall and it survived almost all winter! I live in Berkshire County, Ma and it gets pretty cold and snowy. Everyone loved it who saw it! :)

    1. Hi Rose. did you bring it inside during the winter months? I might set it out on our covered porch on nice sunny days, so it gets more sun

    2. I didn't bring it in until it was almost to late. I should have a bit earlier but because we had somewhat of a mild winter I didn't think of it because every time I looked at it , it was still gorgeous. I think yours will survive on the porch beautifully!

