Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dragging along

I was so tired yesterday. Ugh! I feel like I've been gradually zapping my energy bank since about last week and it's definitely caught up with me. On my day off last Friday I had to get up an hour and 15 minutes early then I normally do, because we had to drive an hour into the city for my dr. appt. first thing that morning. Add in a bit of crappy sleep that night because of dh's snoring. I was able to take a nap Friday afternoon, so I should have been good then. But each night DH has been snoring bad, for some reason, which is cutting down on my good sleep. Then Sunday night I stayed up almost an hour past my normal bedtime and then was awake (and then up) an hour earlier than my normal wake time because of our overnight house guest. By 3 pm yesterday (with still an hour and a half to work) I was about to fall asleep.

Making dinner was the last thing I felt like doing. Thankfully on the menu plan for last night was just heating up some BBQ spare ribs for 45 minutes. That didn't take a lot of work.  I tried to take a nap while it was cooking but DH kept talking.

I didn't do much M-Turk work at all Friday thru Sunday. About $1 worth is all. I was able to earn $5.45 today. When afternoon rolls around, I can't seem to get accepted to hits, that supposedly I'm qualified for. So far, I have earned about $52 total. I did a transfer to my bank account when I got to $33 and I think it hit my bank account the next day, maybe two days at most, so that was quick.

I'm just sitting in wait to see what DH's health insurance premiums will be for 2018. It's all such a huge mess. I had read that the insurer he is using had only requested a 4% increase (compared to the other two in this state wanting like 15-20% or more), but now that the subsidies have been stopped they have (with 2 weeks before open enrollment) been granted a change to increase their rates more than they had originally been approved to. I'm sure it will be another big hit to my budget. The really crappy part of all this is we still have to buy the same insurance plans and no choices. This is a small populated state and only 3 (and it sounds like this insurer he is with might not make it) to choose from there is no competition and all the rates are so high.  I wish we could at least have a larger market of insurers to choose from. If people want this gov't ran healthcare system, then we should be able to choose from any insurance companies in the whole country.

Plus, we just found out our property taxes here in this county are going way up, due to a school bond passing. It's apparently a progressive type of tax rate, so the more your home/property is worth the more you will be taxed. Once our house is built it will cost us about an extra $500 a year in property taxes, compared to what it would have been if it hadn't passed. For the next 20 years.

Our county is also facing issues with our sheriff's dept. It's a small department of like 7 sheriff's (sheriff, under-sheriff, sgt and 4 deputies). Two deputies have just quit (one took a job in neighboring county for better pay) and a third told DH on Sunday he's out the door as soon as he finds another job. Their pay is pathetic. The county council is a joke. Now because of the two that have quit the other two are basically on call 24 hrs a day, but the county doesn't want to pay them overtime....(they are union). Well, until they hire replacements, they have those two salaries not going out that can be used for the overtime! The one deputy DH talked to (he lives at the end of our street, across the street from corner) said he has a big crack in his windshield but they won't repair it....he said how am I supposed to give someone a ticket for a broken windshield when mine is broken? The vehicle he drives has like 175,000 miles on it.

I don't have all the answers to all these problems, that's for sure. I just know I'm really tired of paying these ridiculous health insurance premiums for really crappy insurance.


  1. I've been following the health insurance news quite closely, and insurance companies in most states including Montana are loading the extra premium increases onto silver plans. Since your income is too high to qualify for a premium subsidy, you will probably want to avoid the silver plans, especially the ones sold on the exchange. Some companies will be selling cheaper silver plans outside of the exchange. I would definitely take the time to shop around and see what metal level (bronze, silver, gold) gives you the best deal.

    1. Well, that's a bit of better news, then. I have DH on a Bronze plan (at $512/mo) so hopefully it won't go up too much. I have always purchased outside the exchange, since don't qualify for subsidy. Thanks for the info!!

  2. I understand the fatigue. It just hits you doesn't it. I find I am like the Energizer Bunny for so long and then I just crash for about 3 days. Don't know what the solution is - maybe realize I am not 21 any more and to listen to my body. Anna

  3. Insurance can be such a headache. I wouldn't dare be without it, though. Especially at our age! I hope you get your energy back soon. Don't you just love how quick the turnaround is for the pay on M-Turk? With my Hubby now off work for who knows how long, I really need to step up my earnings!

    1. it is such a necessity. Too bad it has gotten so high priced that many can't even afford it now. I used to pay half this for DH and 2 kids. Sad.

  4. You seem to find as many ways to lose sleep as I do. I never plan an early morning appointment for a doctor in another town. That helps.

    In this state, property taxes are based on price of house and land. Isn't it done this way everywhere?

    Those deputies deserve better treatment.

    1. I don't usually do early am appts but I had to get to the city that day anyway to pick up DH's prescription and they had that appt. opening for that same day, I figured I'd better take it and combine it all in one trip.

  5. How long did it take you to earn the first $33?

  6. Hubby now off work for who knows how long, I really need to step up my earnings!

