Wednesday, August 27, 2014

(Un)comfortably Numb

I was back at the dentist this morning to do the deep cleaning on my left side and to have the permanent crown set on my bottom right tooth. Another 2 hours of sitting in a dentist chair. Ugh! But, it's all done and I don't have to go back for 3 months -where they will evaluate and see how often I need cleaning, due to the gum issues.

The numbness is wearing off and I can feel the aching. About time for some more ibuprofen, thankfully. Hopefully, come January when my dental benefits reset, I'll be able to address what I really wanted to address with my teeth this year - getting the front tooth and the one next to it fixed and back to a normal tooth color. I hit this front tooth when I was like 7 years old. Never had any problems, but when I got in my early 30's the tooth started darkening a bit. I had a veneer put on it, which they told me would only last like 10 years. And now the tooth next to it is darkening too. Guess I need root canals on both and then crowns. One of these days I'll get my good smile back! I hate pictures the last few years because of the 2 teeth that show up darker.  I had really hoped we'd get bonus's at work this year, so I could pay for it easily with that, but doesn't look like that's going to happen this year. I'm already out of pocket a lot for the root canal in February, and now the deep cleaning and crown. Sigh.....

Looking forward to the 3 days off work (well, 3 1/2 days, my company closes at noon on Friday) this weekend. No special plans, just looking forward to a long weekend. Then I'm taking off a week off the third week of September - to spend with DD before she goes off to college and the last day to finish helping her move in.


  1. Ugh, dentist... but at least you are done!!

  2. Indeed, the only good thing of coming BACK from the dentist is that you're mostly done and over with that. I had to keep telling that to myself when I couldnt open my mouth enough to fit a baby teaspoon. Hope the next few days off do you a lot of good and stave off the pain/numbness.

  3. Why does your daughter's college start so late? My daughter moved in week and a half ago (moved in early for marching band camp) and started class on Tuesday of this week.

  4. That is just when the universities around here always start. Huey go on the quarter system. 3rd quarter ends mid June

    1. Sorry typo. *they*. Trying to type on iPad mini

  5. Please keep up with the dental work. Teeth are very important!! I went for a long time before I managed to go back to the dentist. It's been a few years now, after some root canals, crowns, and lots of cleanings, I am free from dental work for the past 18 months. I am back to 6 month scheduled cleanings.

    1. Debbie - yes, I plan to now,even if it costs me some money! Hopefully after the beginning of next year, I'll be able to get back to regular 6 month cleanings. I just knew the longer I went the more work they'd say I need done and I just didn't want to deal with the pain, mild panic attacks I used to get at the dentist, etc. If it wasn't for that darn tooth breaking about 16 months ago, I'd probably still be avoiding it! Glad I'm back on track now.

  6. It looks like you're well-versed in dental procedures. I suppose you no longer feel anxious when you have to go to the dentist. That will make it easier for you to do whatever is needed, since you practically know what's wrong and what has to be done. Perhaps asking your dentist if your suggestions could be applied after your dental benefits reset is the next course of action. Hopefully they're willing to do just that. Good luck!

    Calandra Novak at Dr. Steven Cadee @ Mullaloo Dental Centre
