Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I was not expecting that

Today was my annual review at work. The company started doing regular annual reviews for all employees in Dec/Jan a couple of years ago and I was one of the few "odd ones" who ended up getting my review, but my salary increases were in July, instead of both happening at the same time. Last year was no different - I got my review last Dec/Jan and then got my raise in July.  So, it was time for my review again, but I got a big surprise with it! Another salary increase!! $200 a month, thank you very much.  That goes a nice way into helping offset the $400 a month health insurance bite.  Last July I was making $66k a year and now with 2 raises in the last 6 months I am now making $75k a year.


  1. Wow.. that's a wonderful surprise! Congratulations!! :)

  2. Yay you!!!
    Congrats but don't tell DH you got it. hehehe

    1. Haha! I thought about that all the way home and decided not to tell him. I need the money to help offset the insurance increase (at least until DS gets his own) and don't want him thinking "oh, more money to spend!".

  3. Congrats! What a nice surprise!

  4. Ditto Slugmama! If he knows you have it and is a spender, best he NOT know you have extra coming in!! What he doesn't know is not going to hurt him! Congratulations - obviously, you are a great employee and they value you. I love to hear when an employer really values their employees and thanks them, both verbally and monetarily!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thanks everyone! I do have a great employer and my boss is amazing. We are always just totally in synch with each other and what is going on and needs to be done. Makes working there so easy. I'm blessed to have such a flexible job and be able to work from home part of the time and a decent salary.
