Friday, January 24, 2014


I am $200 richer - just for putting some money into a Capitol One savings and checking account for 50 days. That was a sweet deal that I am so happy I was in a position to take advantage of. Now, I need to decide what to do with it and the $500 in the savings. Should I just keep it all there or transfer it all back into my regular savings? It is a much better interest rate, but still only pennies, really....34 cents on the $500 compared to like .01 on my regular bank savings. I think for now I'll leave the accounts open and transfer the $125 checking bonus money to the savings account. I wasn't planning on spending it anyway.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry had a mistake in my comment. What I was going to say was that you got a good deal. I did the same the beginning of last year by opening an account at Chase Bank and received $200 in the form of a deposit into the account. It was a nice welcome to the bank.

    1. I have banked with Chase for years. That's a nice new customer bonus!

  3. I did the Cap One deal when it was ING, and got $150. Not a bad payday!

    1. especially when it was only 50 days and no hoops to jump through

  4. I don't even remember. I did open one when it was ING and got some amount back. If it's Capital One 360, I love the ease to create multiple savings accounts. I have 2 and it helps separate the money a lot better than throwing it all into the same bucket.

  5. I would leave it in Capital One as a backup savings plan.

    1. That's what I'm going to do for now. Hopefully after awhile I'll "kind of" forget about it and it'll be an extra layer of EF money to have access to
