Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I finally got myself back in for a dental cleaning. I was negligent while we were broke and going through the bankruptcy, etc. - because I knew I'd probably need work done that wouldn't all be covered by my insurance and couldn't afford it. But we are in a better place financially now and after having the tooth break last May (and subsequent root canal and crown work done) I knew I needed to start taking care of my teeth again and getting back in for regular cleanings.

Apparently the tooth next to my bottom molar that had a root canal done on it a good 20 years ago is showing signs of being infected, as well as a bit into the roots of the tooth that already had the root canal/crown done years ago. The dentist explained that root canals last a good long time, but not forever. So, now I have to make an appointment to see the endodontist again. Bleh!

Plus, it sounds like down the road I will need a root canal done on my front tooth and the tooth next to it. I injured my tooth playing wall ball when I was in first grade. When I was in my late 20's the tooth started getting a little dark looking. Dentist said the tooth wasn't dead and didn't need a root canal, so they just ended up putting a veneer over the one front tooth, which he also said would only last maybe 10 years. It's been 15 years now and the veneer is wearing off and the tooth next to it is also getting darker....which this dentist is saying that eventually I will need a root canal on both of them.  Sooner than later, rather than having it get infected. He offered a "conservative" option for now (since I have to have the lower root canal done now/soon) to put another veneer/composite on the tooth, so it at least looks better for now.  Then in 6 months  or a year (probably next year, as I will end up using up my $2000 in dental benefits limit again this year) I'll have those root canals done.  Bleh!

Gotta be done, but no fun, for sure. At least my gums were not as bad as I feared and need no work. I just need to be more diligent about flossing daily.


  1. At least your insurance covers the root canals...mine doesn't! My root canal and crown last year was $2k out of pocket!

    1. Oh ouch! What does yours cover? just cleanings and xrays? Mine covers root canals at 80%. I don't think I'll need a crown on this one (at least he didn't say anything about it). If I do crowns are only covered at 50%. But I still only have a $2000 max amount the insurance will pay each year. I didn't ask if the insurance will cover the veneer/composite they will be doing in 2 weeks on my front tooth...guess I should check into that. It's might be considered cosmetic, though the cause of it is from an injury when I was a child, so maybe not. When I had it done the first time 15 years ago or so the dentist office told me it wouldn't be covered and the insurance ended up covering it. Keeping my fingers crossed for this time, too.

  2. Ughh!

    I never realized how expensive dental work was until DH got his first crown a couple of years ago - up until that point, I had pretty much lived in blissful ignorance. Our insurance covers 50% of crowns & root canals ... with an annual cap of $1000, which pretty much means one crown & one root canal per year. And, as we learned, if the same tooth needs a new crown within 24 months, it's not covered.

    1. It's sounding like I have fairly decent insurance then....though it sure doesn't seem like it when one procedure can take up almost the whole amount! At least I've already been to this endodontist before and really like her and feel comfortable (as much as one can at the dentist!) having her handle it.

  3. It has been roughly a year from this point. Happy New Year! How is your teeth going? I hope the cleaning lasted you well, though I guess you can always have it done every once in a while. Anyway, I hope that you are faring better these days, healthwise and financial wise. All the best to you and your family!

    Bettye Primm @ Back Mountain Dental

    1. Lots of work done throughout the year last year. In fact, heading back in this morning for a 3 month (well, it's been 4 months because I wanted to wait until my benefits kicked in again for this year) cleaning after I had my deep cleaning done. I still have some more work to get done (I'll be making that appointment today) on 2 other teeth (partially cosmetic) and I should be done for now except for regular cleanings!

  4. I think delaying having your teeth cleaned is fine. At least, you've gotten that bit of a chore done and over with now. Teeth cleaning really frees us up for future hassles, if you think about it, since prevention is always better. Anyway, thanks for sharing that! All the best to you!

    Ted Grimmer @ Cody Dental
