With dh not feeling well, his sleep schedule has been really erratic, so his Friday nights sleep ended up being from 5:30am-noon on Saturday. Around 11 I finally gave up trying to be super quiet. My energetic time to get my chores done is mornings. By afternoon I'm much less energetic. Who am I kidding...I am NOT energetic LOL. I took a shower upstairs (mostly because I had not turned the heat on downstairs and I wanted it warm) and then whacked off about 3 1/2 inches from my hair. That was needed! Feels much better.
I did not get started on the puzzle. I wanted to do it on the table in the bonus room, but then remembered dh and I had laid out the billiards poster he had gotten me for Christmas, so it would flatten out. He got me this 24x36 poster and also 4 small 8x10 billiard theme posters. That reminded me I need to get some frames for them ordered. I was hoping to find some in the 8x10 that matched the poster size and found some rustic ones I really liked, but they were out of stock in the poster size. I finally settled on 4 other 8x10 rustic frames I liked (that were much better priced) and a different wood framed poster size. I'm not even sure where I am putting them in the bonus room, yet, so the big one may be on a different wall and it won't matter if they don't exactly match.
Then around 11:30 I started getting all the dishes in the sink put in the dishwasher and hand washed the pots and pans. I did try to be as quiet as possible, though, without clanging and banging things around. As soon as he got up, I stripped the sheets off and got them in the washing machine. It was about that time that back really started hurting for some reason. I got the extra set of sheets put on the bed, wincing in pain the whole time. I took a walk down to the mailbox, hoping that might help and also tried using my foam roller on my back, which did help a little.
Around 1:30 I decided I'd try a nap and see if that released the back spasms. DH was on the phone to a friend, so I made him a sandwich and put it in a baggie so he could eat when he got hungry. My nap ended up being over 90 minutes and it did help my back very much.
When I got up dh was out in the shop. I went to give my hen some scratch and found another egg. It's a cute egg, about 3/4 size of normal LOL. That's 3 eggs this week. Nice. My normal dinner making time came and went with dh still out in the shop, working on getting the last of the boards up and also getting the wiring down inside the wall to hook up to an existing wiring for an outlet. He texted me to ask for help. Oh my goodness. He could not get this electrical wire fed down. What should have been about a 20 min job took 2-3 hours. It was getting hung up on the insulation inside the wall, but I was able to get my skinny hand/arm inside the outlet hole and feel the wire and pull it down, finally.
I got back inside the house around 6:30, so I just made myself a sandwich for dinner. Figuring dh had probably not eaten his lunch until 2 or after, he was still ok hunger wise. He came in around 7:30 and asked for a sandwich and then he went back out to the shop. I went to bed around 9:15 and he finally came in not too long after. He got to bed at a decent time, for him, (around 2:30am) and was finally able to stay asleep.
I also finished the 4 seasons of the show I was watching. Kind of a disappointment as the show got left on an unresolved cliffhanger, as it appears they didn't know it was going to get canceled. So now I'm ready to get started on season 2 of Appletv+ Severance, that after like 4 years is finally airing. I'm trying to decide if I should just rewatch season 1, since it's been so long. I probably should. It's such an intricate show, I'm sure there is a lot I would catch with it, that I missed the first go around.
Woke to about an inch of snow on the ground and it's very lightly still coming down. I suppose I should go check and see if Amos wants back in. He wanted out when I first got up. Well, he thought he wanted out. I made my coffee and went back to the door and he wanted right back in. A half hour later, he was wanting to try again, so he's been out for about 15 minutes this time.
Thankfully, I don't keep Tommy up or disrupt his sleep when I am up late and sleep late. Pain, however, is never my problem.
ReplyDeleteI hope a bird of prey never gets Amos or an animal on his forays outdoors. Great on the egg! Soon, she will give you one a day. How many eggs do you need each week?
I typically use between 7 and a dozen eggs a week.