Monday, February 10, 2025

Short and sweet (and then more)

I am bummed the weekend is already over and I have to be back at work again. It feels like it's going to be a long week. How come the weekends never feel long? LOL.

I started a book yesterday and got about 2/3rds of it finished. It's not a long book, so I'm sure I'll finish it up tonight.  It's called The Other Valley. Kind of a time travel type of story. I have another one in my borrowed library to get finished, after this one, but not sure if I have enough days left to get it done.

But, before I started reading yesterday I got vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning our bathroom done. Saturday we hung up the poster type billiard pictures dh had gotten me for Christmas. They look nice and were a good idea by him. 

I put these pictures in and now can't seem to type normal below them. Guess that's a sign I am done for today, LOL

Oh- well now that I added this 3rd picture it's letting me type below it....weird. The snow in the bottom 1/3 of the window view is the roof to our shed/chicken coop, that is behind the garage.

I had wanted to add a picture dh took last night at midnight - just from the moon's light, with his phone. Crazy!


  1. Those pictures are perfect for your poolroom area. Great idea!

  2. Full confession: I zoomed in on the view from the window! I wish I had your knack for decorating.
    Meg B.

    1. I'll edit and add the picture I took that shows the full window view! It just shows our unfinished tops on the cabinets in the corners LOL. These were defective kitchen cabinets, the cabinet maker had to re-do, and we didn't want to just throw them out, so we thought maybe we can use them in the bonus room....someday....

  3. Oooh, gorgeous pictures!! That night time one is perfect. Would you consider putting some of your pictures on your walls? Did Amos supurrrrvise the hanging of this decor? ;)

    1. thanks! Amos doesn't really like to hang out in the bonus room for some reason. He was in our bedroom taking a nap during this LOL. We do have several of dh's pictures on walls. I'll have to take some pics of them on the walls and put in the next post

    2. LOL! Sleeping during work hours, a travesty. He gets great pictures, great wall art!

    3. to be fair to Amos, it was on a Saturday ;)

  4. The posters are really a nice addition. Amos would approve of the placement. Is there a good, soft sleeping place in this room?

    1. There are 2 super comfy big chairs, but usually the doors are shut to this room, unless we are using it and he just doesn't seem to often come in while we are in there

  5. Not sure whether you're borrowing books from the library on your Kindle, which is what I do (using the Libby app). If you turn your Kindle onto airplane mode, the book won't get returned until you turn airplane mode off. I've done this when I've needed a few extra days to finish a book. The weird thing is I always get an e-mail saying my book was returned on the date it should have been.

    1. yes, I'm also using the Libby app but I'm reading on my ipad. I tried that once before but it didn't work for me. Maybe because it's not a kindle?

  6. Oh that last picture is stunning!!!! How lovely!
