Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Still no eggs?

I'm getting a Walmart order placed online, for pickup tomorrow afternoon. Do you really think they are still completely out of eggs? (same 3 weeks ago). If I went inside the store, would I find eggs? I can't believe they have none, still, while I can go into the grocery store down the street and they have plenty of eggs.....I just don't want to take the time to walk into the store and get back to where the eggs are in back and find there really are none. But, it sure would be nice to not have to stop at the other grocery store. Maybe I'll call and ask. I might be able to get by now without purchasing any this trip. I currently have 25 eggs - No, make that 26. I just went out to check on my chicken and give her some bread and there was an egg in the nest box. I need about 30-34 for a 3 week period and my hen is now giving me about 4 per week (if she keeps at it).

Negative 12 degrees when I got up this morning. BRRR! A couple more days of this and then it's supposed to warm up a bit. When I just went out to the hen house, it's now positive 12 degrees, so 24 degrees warmer LOL. These are the days he's glad we now have a little heat in our garage.

DH is keeping busy with little projects. Well, I don't think the drawers he wants to build for underneath his big work table is really a little project, but he's in the planning stages of that one. Another project is fixing/replacing the lighting up above our kitchen cabinets. It's all gone out. Kind of surprising, since it's LED and I would have thought would have lasted longer than 5 year (part of it went out a year ago). I've got the stuff ordered to fix it, now. He also has enough of the scrap pieces left from our trees cut down and it just going to use that up to build 2 more big planter boxes for the back patio. 

Also, now that he has his big wood/saw table where it's going to stay, in the shop, and is working out good, he also wants to buy some vacuum thing that collects the dust from sawing. Apparently that's going to be a Harbor Freight purchase.

I seem to have slowed way down on needing anything (ie decor-wise) for the house now, so that's good. I have a few areas I'd still like to add something/finish, but not much. I want more books for the bookcases upstairs. When we finished the hallway "library" area, I moved an old cedar hope chest into the loft sitting area. It needs some "stuff" on it. During Christmas I had moved the stuff on area under the windows to sit on the chest, while the Christmas village was there and it looked good having some stuff on it. I think when we go on our little weekend trip with DD/SIL in May, while dd and I are antique/gift store browsing, I'll see if I can find a few things to put on there.

Well, the day is more than half over and I've been working on this post long enough LOL.


  1. We have eggs here. I saw a map on instagram that most states do so i am not really sure wha tis going on. I mean, it is kind of slim pickings but we can get them. weird all the way around.
    I have been babysitting for my grands this week. Poor babies are not feeling well. I hope I don't get it. have a great week. good luck with the eggies.
    (It is in the 80's here today) yuck! but I suppose I would be dead at -12 degrees too. Florida blood and all! lol

    1. it's cold but I just stay inside as much as possible. A quick trip once or twice out to the chicken coop (near the back door) and when I went to get the mail it was +12 by then LOL.

  2. Bird flu is out of control, but with CDC reporting silenced, you have to go to the American Medical Association YouTube channel to get updates.Plus, from my WM manager beloved neighbor, the reason you can find them in the smaller stores is because the suppliers don’t fill partial orders. If an egg supplier can’t fill the entire amount, they don’t ship. According to her that’s because the smaller stores pay more per unit with smaller orders.
    As for pickup, “that’s a whole other issue.” (She is not a fan of the order fillers.) Apparently (and I don’t do grocery pickup) if you don’t specify substitutions, the order fillers won’t substitute. Then she claims there’s the aspect of them being lazy…if we were shopping and saw the shelf empty, but noticed a pallet was coming in to be stocked, we would either wait a bit, or go fill the rest of our list and come back. They don’t do that. If they see the shelf empty they move on, so they can get to their next order more quickly. And they, and I quote “sure as hell aren’t going to ask me to check in back in back for eggs like you would.” She said some other stuff too, but I will leave it off. Suffice it to say she dislikes that area!
    Meg B.
