Thursday, February 6, 2025

Subscriptions and....snow (LOL)

DD is on a mission to get some of their subscriptions cancelled. Boy, do they have a LOT of them. First up was last month, she got her dh to cancel his Amazon Prime - there was no sense in them each having a Prime membership! (plus I pay for half her Prime and we share it).

Next up was SiriusXM. OMG - they had it, at full price, on 3 vehicles! And they carpool! LOL. She cancelled it on the 2 cars and during canceling it on the 3rd car (the pickup that they mostly drive) they offered it down to $5/mo, so they decided to keep it on that vehicle. She went from a total of $828 per year to $60. 

Then she worked on getting some others cancelled. Some $200/yr subscription so they get wi-fi in dd's car, that they never use. A $21/mo subscription they are each paying for some virtual workout site for the treadmill and bikes. They are now just going to share one subscription. She also got online with Comcast to see if they would lower her bill, they did a little bit. So far she's cut out $1600 a year. I'm sure they could do more...they have several streaming services, OnX, Playstation, Furbo, etc LOL

I see a couple more inches of snow fell over night. The plowing piles are getting high!

DH decided to plow down to the end of our street. Tuesday night when he was out he could hear a machine running down at the neighbors at the end but it was not sounding good - squealing like a belt was bad or something. Yesterday morning none of it had been plowed and the guy didn't go to work (I doubt he'd get his pickup through 18 inches of snow). Thursday mornings are our garbage can pick up, so dh decided if we expect the garbage truck to come to our house, we should provide him a place to get turned around (which is the small culdesac at the end of our street). His big new plow sure makes easy work of it, compared to when he used to try to do it (every time, for several years) on his little quad/plow. DH stopped plowing all the way down a couple years ago. He was wearing his equipment out 2x as fast and the couple couldn't even offer a wave or text a thanks. Mr Neighbor, who owns the first house on our street, is always really good about getting his driveway and the road out front/entrance to our street plowed. Never have to worry about him not keeping up with it. He will get out there at 5am getting it cleared off.

The large poster sized frame I ordered came yesterday via USPS. I like the frame - very rustic, barn wood looking, so it will go great in our bonus room. Our pool table is very rustic looking. The other 4 8x10 frames were supposed to come yesterday via an Amazon driver, but I wasn't surprised to see it got delayed due to all the snow. Maybe today. 

I had to return a call to my IRA investment office yesterday and the gal that I always talked to when I was handling it for my mom answered. I hadn't talked to her as often the past year-ish, because they hired some extra help and the new girl has now been the one calling to set up appts for the quarterly calls. So, we caught up, haha. She and her husband are moving over here and will be fellow Montanan's soon. Albeit 4 hours from me, LOL, but she sounds very excited for the move and the house they will be building. She also has a son that lives here, so they will be near him, as well.


  1. You seem to get a lot more snow than I do. What altitude are you at? While it's very pretty it can be a real pain in the butt also!

    1. We are at about 2700 feet, but nestled down in a river valley, with mountains surrounding us (like literally across the road LOL)

    2. I'm at 800 metres (about 2,400 feet) and the snow line so far seems to be stopping at around 1,000 metres. Fine by me. Good for the skiers and now shovelling for me!

  2. Keeping DH busy is always a win. I am glad DD got all that stuff cancelled - we just really be giving away our money these days! Your pictures make me want to check Montana out some day. Just gorgeous.

  3. That’s a lot of snow!!!
    I would be the neighbor who would offer to pay your husband for plowing if my husband and kids couldn’t. (There is only one other who we trust with heavy machinery, and that isn’t me, and the one we do trust has limited availability!) And, if he refused to accept, I would be delivering hand poured beeswax candle to your house once I could get through!
    Subscriptions: Ugh. A kid and I went through ours last summer, and cut about $60/month. I think we need to go through them again. For instance, I don’t watch Paramount. As for Netflix, We watch the same thing over and over. And, frankly, we would rather buy a DVD which we OWN than stream a movie. Moreover, it’s very vexing to go to watch a movie or series in Prime, only to find they have pulled it!

    1. DH would never accept money, but like you we'd be the one's offering to pay if we couldn't do it. He just wanted a nod of thanks and to feel appreciated. He did it for them a lot longer than he should have (he's a people pleaser) but at some point he'd had enough - only to be bitched at, because her dog was inches away from running across our driveway while it was being re-sealed (after giving her plenty of notice and a final notice 20 minutes before it got started). I find that just subscribing to streaming services for short periods, while there's something I want to watch works best for me, then I'm not spending unnecessary on it.

    2. Ooops. That was my comment!
      -Meg B.

  4. We play the subscription game, and turn them off and on based on what we want to watch. I'm more mindful about scheduling TV rather than mindless searching, though still a lot of options. There's a lot more free streaming options than even a few years ago when I cut Direct TV

    1. So many streaming options now. Sometimes I miss the old days of just being able to turn the tv on, surf the channels, and find some old rerun to watch - without planning it out.
