Saturday, June 29, 2024

Finding some of my roots

I've been down the rabbit hole of searching ancestry. I find a little more clues and then get even more confused, as while names and place match up, dates of birth are 7 years off.

I did discover my 2x g.grandmother had another child out of wedlock 5 years after having my great grandmother. What the heck?! LOL. Now I am searching this person, in hopes of finding more clues. It also appears this 2x g.grandmother did finally get married - on the marriage record her parents name and where she lived totally match up - yet it says she was 25 at the time of marriage, putting her 7 years younger than the person with the same name and parents I have found showing her birthdate as 5/11/1860.  This makes no sense. Maybe she lied about her age when she married? LOL She apparently had 4 kids before this marriage, by age 25.........I will keep looking! I'm obsessed now, LOL. And it's fun to search.

I received my $500 Amazon gift card yesterday. Wooo! I am going to purchase another one of those air purifiers, for my office, like I got for dh's den. I also am getting some extra filters. The rest I just plan to use as things come up that we need.


  1. I have decided one person puts something on ancestry wrong and everyone just accepts it. There is a way to correct things on there. What kind of air purifier did you get. I think I need a couple for this house.

  2. 3x grandparents didn’t get married until 1865.
