Monday, June 24, 2024

Long Sunday

Boy, that was a long day for the guy and his helper to install the lift. They showed up at 9am and didn't get done until like after 7:30pm, and that was with dh helping some on the forklift, etc. Plus dh had already unpacked it all before they got here. But, it's in now and dh is very happy with it. Cars went up, cars came back down, LOL. His $270 220 plug in worked, so basically the electrician savings paid for the installer. The guy had originally said it would take like 6-8 hours to install.

I kind of had a day to myself, haha. DH was out in the shop pretty much the whole day with them, other than to come in and get his lunch. I dusted and vacuumed the downstairs and got caught up on a couple of episodes of a show on Apple+ tv I am watching. In the morning I got all the flowers watered. Now I seem to have gotten myself into a morning watering vs. evening, so now I'm going to have to take a break from work here in a bit this morning to go out and water. I guess I'll have to get it back to evenings. I also watched an old movies from the 80's that I apparently never watched back then.

By the time dh got things cleaned up in the shop and had me drive my car onto the lift so he could test it out with my car, he didn't get dinner until like 8:15. I ate earlier, so I microwaved him a chicken pot pie (what I had). The first time I made these (from Costco) I did the oven method, which took 50 minutes (plus the oven preheat time) but decided to do the microwave method this time. Microwave method worked fine and they were ready in 11 minutes. 

I'm ready for next week - I'm only working 2 days that week and then a 3 day week the following week.

Wow - now here is some good customer service! I just got an email saying here's a $25 Costco shop card. I'm thinking this must be spam, but the email address seemed legit. Then I read the email with it. They noticed my eyeglasses order took longer it should have, so here's a $25 gift card for your troubles. I never once complained about it, so that's pretty neat that they did that on their own. I'm very impressed.

DH is worn all the way out. He looks completely done in this morning and he still needs/wants to mow the lawn today.


  1. I would think that card is spam too, just make sure it is legit. Sometimes for things that have to be warmed up, my mom does it first in the microwave - like a minute, and then does it in the oven.

  2. Your dh must be relieved this finally all came together. You have a new toy now. I wonder how many guys actually have a lift at their home.
    It is noon. Tommy went out and watered. It was 95 a few minutes ago, so I imagine they were parched since everything is droopy. I don't care when he waters as long as he does not get the plant leaves wet. He is very erratic as to time.
    Those light weeks will be great.
