Friday, June 14, 2024


DH and I had a brief conversation the other day about cattle brands. I remembered part of my grandpa's cattle brand. I knew it had a Bar and a Lazy T, but I couldn't remember what else it had/how it looked. In one of life's funny coincidences I get an email from Ancestry yesterday that says I have a new hint on my grandpa. I open it and it's a picture of his gravestone. And there was his cattle brand on it! I was so excited. Mystery solved. Sorta. The other letter is a V and I'm not sure of that significance. My "educated guess" is the brand very likely belonged to my great grandfather first. The T is for his last name and the V could be because he had 5 children.

I'm going to have something made for the house with this brand, to remember my family history in ranching. Either have something made or have dh carve it into the bonus room bar countertop or have it carved into a table, if/when we have one made for the bonus room. I also saw some cute custom coffee mugs on Etsy where they will add a cattle brand, so I may order one for me and one to have shipped to my half sister. 

I bought a bag of those small clementine oranges. I'm not sure I've ever had them before. So yummy and sweet and the perfect size. I can never eat a whole orange and often they seem sour to me. This was a great sweet snack to have yesterday afternoon. I don't think we'll have any problems eating these up.

Dinner was chicken burgers, corn on the cob and watermelon. I usually buy (though not often) the precut watermelon. I've noticed the past year or two that it has zero taste anymore. I decided to try getting one of those small "personal size" watermelons. Much better! While the chicken was baking in the oven, I got the watermelon all sliced up and put in a bowl that has a lid. There's a lot of watermelon in one of those. $3.97 and I ended up with a full big bowl. $3.97 in the pre sliced watermelon would have got me a small bowl, enough for one serving for both of us. We're going to be having watermelon for several days now and it's red, juicy, and has taste.

8pm also seems to be one of my times I want a little snack, so last night I just grabbed a few grapes out of the fridge.

We are on the home stretch for getting my side job boss up and running with the new Quickbooks version. It's been a bit of a chore, that's for sure. One, is she is not very computer literate so it was a job just getting the program downloaded to her laptop, LOL. Not her fault, but she was getting a message she needed admin rights to install the software. She ended up having to get someone from their IT company to help. I guess she was explaining to him what we were doing (downgrading from a higher version of Quickbooks) and he was telling her you can't downgrade. I told her that's what most people think, but it's not true and the Quickbooks people have been great to work with in converting our files to the downgraded version. 

She was then able to get the new version of QB installed on her laptop. Then after dinner last night I called her and was able to walk her through uploading the company file to the portal QB set up for me. That took twice as long as it should have....First time she uploaded the wrong file (I even asked her twice if the name of the file said Xxxxx)  and second, because she was typing the password wrong, LOL. Now I will email the QB guy back and let him know that file is now ready to be converted.

The side effects from the second shingles shot weren't too bad. I never got as tired as the first one, but when I went to bed last night I was cold and couldn't get warm so after a couple hours I got up and put some socks and pj bottoms on. Then I had a headache, so I got up to take Tylenol. Finally then I went back to sleep and slept good the rest of the night.


  1. Try getting some small serving size plastic containers. In each one put watermelon, grapes, segmented clementine and any other fruit you have. That way at night you can just grab a premade fruit salad snack. The trick will be to hide them from DH.

    1. it would be good if I could get him to eat more healthy food :)

    2. My DD likes to say fruit is your life raft off Sugar Island. :-)

  2. Yeah, the side effects from the vaccine suck, but trust me you Do. Not. Want. SHINGLES. Picture what you felt, only more intense, accompanied with a burning, aching, painful rash making any movement on the site excruciating, with a fever, body aches and fatigue to boot, all yours for about 3 weeks time! DH had it about 12 years ago, and even with immediate antivirals he suffered from shortly after Halloween to just before Christmas. He showed me the rash on his waist one morning and asked if I switched laundry detergent. I told him he had Shingles, to get away from me, and get to the walk in clinic...he didn't believe me at first, and waited for a later appointment late that afternoon. He came by my classroom on the way home, opened the door and told me I was right.)

    1. Both my boss and half sister have had shingles and it sounds like pure hell. DH kind of thought I was stupid for getting the vaccine and having to deal with not feeling well for a short period. I said its wayyyy better than having to deal with shingles for 3 weeks!

  3. The shingles vaccine is only 50% effective. I had the vax and then had shingles. It was on left ear and in hair. However, as much as it hurt, I had only pinpoint areas of pain over ear and in hair. It hurt so bad that I cannot imagine having a full-blown case. If my hair moved, my scalp hurt! I would have little ouches aloud anytime. One time, in line at store, a woman said she had attack that did not look bad, but hurt. I would advise the vax to everyone.

    1. You likely had the "live" Zostavax vaccine. I had the Shingrix, which is a recombinant vaccine and 98% effectiveness in a healthy adult my age

    2. I wouldn't have even bothered with getting a vaccine if it was only 50% effective
