Monday, October 24, 2022

The biopsy report

I received an email notification that dh's test result was available to view in his MyChart. It didn't read the same as his first biopsy (last December). That first one said this about the biopsy:

A. Prostate, left, biopsies:
-Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 3+3 equal 6 involving 1 of 4 cores (tumor involves approximately 5% of the
involved core, 0.5 mm in linear extent), see comment.
B. Prostate, right, biopsies:
-Mild chronic prostatitis; negative for malignancy

As we were to learn from the doctor, this meant prostate cancer. Albeit, the lowest "score", which was a good thing, but still prostate cancer. Based on this score, the doctor recommended a wait and watch approach and have the biopsy done again in a year.

With his 6 month appt last June and his PSA level going up from 7.3 to 9 something, he wanted to do the next biopsy in October, which dh went and had done last week.  This is the result from this one:

A. Prostate, left, needle core biopsies: Benign prostatic tissue (see comment).
B. Prostate, right, needle core biopsies: Benign prostatic tissue (see comment).

Ok this doesn't look similar to the first biopsy! I know what benign means and I looked up the term "benign prostatic tissue" and that means it's not cancerous. Apparently this biopsy did not show any cancer?? I know they take several "samples" from the prostate when they do this. Is it possible to do a second biopsy and those cancer cells not show up in the second biopsy?

Or did this supplement he's been on for almost 4 months actually reduce his cancer cells, as some (small) studies in the past showed? We know his PSA level decreased a lot since being on the supplement and that in itself is a good thing.

I was expecting at minimum a similar report as the first one, giving him what his Gleason score is and at least hoping it was still at the same low level. Now the report says benign and no Gleason score is listed. It will be interesting to see what the doctor says about it when he gets a hold of dh. I'm hoping it's good news and not just a "oh that is normal, I probably just happened to not get any sample cores that had the cancer in them, but you still have cancer"..........


  1. Hope for the best, and continue to be hopeful if further treatment is needed. Best wishes.

  2. That is interesting. Would his specialist do another biopsy, is that covered? It's good that the supplement definitely seems to have helped but clarity would be nice. Crossing my fingers that everything continues to be positive.

    1. We'll just have to wait to hear back from the doctor on what he says about the biopsy. Should hear back today, most likely.

  3. That is puzzling. When is he due to see the doctor again?

    1. The doctor is supposed to call with the results, once he gets it (it came over the weekend), so he'll probably call today to update.

  4. I would talk with the doctor to clarity any questions and exactly what the biopsy results are. Never Google medical stuff, it will scare you. Good like with whatever the results are.

    1. oh, we definitely plan to go by what the doctor says. He said most likely they would have the results by Monday and give dh a call. I just happened to see the result uploaded into his MyChart (I get email notificaitions) so of course read it. Not saying I know what it means at all - that's for the doctor to clarify. But seeing the words "benign" for the biopsy is somewhat hopeful at least.
