Thursday, October 6, 2022

Breakfast and computers

My phone rang at 7 this morning. It was my mom. Oh oh, that can't be good. She says "well, I didn't go down for meals yesterday because I can't find my purse". I said why do you need your purse? She says "well, to pay for the meals". Oh boy...I said no, your meals in the dining room are free, they are included in your rent, you don't have to pay anything or need your purse. She was like "oh, ok, thank you". Then I told her that she did eat yesterday. I hung up and then got on the camera app on my phone to see how long she's been up, what she was doing. Well, she went right 7am...I should have thought to also say to her that she doesn't have to go down for breakfast until 8am. She didn't come back up, so I'm sure she's just sitting downstairs in the common area waiting. I'm sure others are up early, too. Hopefully the rest of the day goes better for her. I texted her caregiver yesterday afternoon, again, asking about billing for her services, so I can know what to budget monthly for my mom. No reply. I have not seen her as one of the caretakers on the camera for at least a couple weeks. 

I figured out dh's computer is right at 3 years old, purchased in Sept 2019 (thanks to an old blog post search, haha, I found I bought it at the Staples in the city, so that's why Staples was where I was thinking, I just thought I had ordered it online.) Plus it was a very "budget friendly" pc, so 3 years is probably a good life haha. Reader Alice found an old blog post where I bought him a new one Feb 2016, so that one lasted a little over 3.5 years. But, I'm going to try to milk it out a little longer. It is nice that I don't ever have to pay to replace my computers, so we save there. So, I guess when the time comes to replace his again, I need to look for decent sized memory and good processing speed....anything else? I only spent $369 on this computer he has now, so I guess it equates to a little over $100 a year cost prorated out to have a computer. That isn't much really. But, my luck I'll decide to spend more this next time and get him a better one and it will still only last 3 years, haha. In my old post search I see that this computer I have is already 2 1/2 years old now. Boy, time zips by. I seem to typically get about 5 years on my work computers. Maybe I need to get dh this kind..haha. But I know it was about $1000 computer and it is a Dell.

DH uses the media card slot in his computer quite a bit, due to taking video and pics with his drone and the game camera. It is probably one of the reasons I bought him the pc I did at the time. My computer does not have this. I suppose this probably some UBS adapter one can buy to insert these SD cards into for computers that do not have the slot. I'd like to be able to baby his current computer on another 6 months if possible. We'll see how it goes.

Next week dh goes in for another PSA blood test for his prostate and then the week after goes into his urologist for another biopsy. I am anxious to see if this supplement for prostate I put him on has any effect on lowering his PSA level. He'll have been on it almost 4 months by the time he has the test/biopsy. Keeping fingers crossed but in reality it's probably going to do nothing. This was the supplement I read a few articles about from some well known cancer research hospitals and universities. Figured it was worth a try and if nothing else there is a lot of anti inflammatory stuff in this supplement that sure can't hurt him and could maybe also help his overall inflammation going on throughout his body.

I opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink this morning to get out a dishwasher tab and didn't see kitty went under there, too, and shut the door. I was about to walk back upstairs to my office and heard something...goofball just about got stuck under the sink for awhile, haha.


  1. We're learning all the fun places this new dog wants to explore. He's big so won't get forgotten, but I can see the silly cat being stuck in my house. I'm so sorry for your mom's hard day.

    1. I think cats are easier than puppies and dogs LOL

  2. Maybe your mother did not actually have a bad day without food or purse. She probably just woke up with the notion. So, really, unless she is agitated, which you said she forgets, she may never have a bad day. Of course, not remembering is always bad. But, she has you for remembering, thankfully.

    The two features I specifically chose for this laptop--lighted keyboard and gray/silver color of keyboard, around the keyboard and the whole laptop. Tommy's house was so dark, I needed light things to Of course, I really wanted a pink laptop.

    1. I don't think she had a bad day yesterday either. I know she went down for her 3 meals, LOL. She was having one of what they call delusions, where she thinks something happened or thinks something is a certain way, like having to pay for her meals. Neither dh or I like typing on laptops. Plus we each have 2 monitors. Every time my boss offers me a laptop when it's time to replace my computer I say, no, I'd rather have a desktop :)

  3. I still think this "planned obsolescence (sp?)" of phones/computers is disgusting but there's mostly not much we can do about it, is there? I'm just glad I don't have to have the latest version of everything because I really couldn't care less. And fingers crossed for your husband's upcoming tests!

  4. Actually I worked for a prominent computer company think of the inevitable that spawned Apple and Microsoft I have to chime I and say it's not planned oblesecense rather that software is the cause and daily use of the hardware not lasting

    1. I've heard it's the software too that causes it...that and he definitely gets his use out of a computer every day, that's for sure :)
