Tuesday, October 4, 2022

headaches, hogs, and holidays

I was reading some of the blogs I read, this morning, and trying to comment but google/blogger is not letting me comment as me. Even though I'm signed in it won't recognize me....so...SAM...I was going to comment that reading about your active grandpup reminds me I'm not ready for another dog yet, LOL.

I ended up with a headache around dinner time last night that I just couldn't shake. I ended up even going to bed a little earlier, but at least I quickly fell asleep. Other than to be woken up at the usual 10:30pm by kitty who was done sleeping with me and wanted to go upstairs to his room (ie my office, LOL).

DH just got up (probably because the neighbor dogs were barking up a storm for a few minutes about something) and appears to be now dressed for lawn mowing day, LOL. He last mowed last Wednesday so it's probably time, though it's got to be getting close to being done for the season. We sure are having a horrible "stinkbug" season this fall. Supposedly that means we'll have a very cold snowy winter. Somehow they even find a way to get inside and I am frankly tired of them. 

I need to come up with some idea(s) for dd's upcoming birthday gift, next month.  She will be 27. I also want to do something to congratulate her when she finishes up her master's degree at the end of next month.

Her dh is on a hunting trip with his dad and uncles and wanted to get a wild hog and he got one already yesterday so he is happy. I don't think he's every hunted those before, but he likes to smoke/bbq so I'm sure he'll make some tasty things from it and have meat to put in their new freezer. She is also enjoying the few days of being by herself. Even though they've only been married 3 years they have lived together 6 or 7 years so she appreciates the break, haha. I told her I am jealous ;)

And it's time to start thinking about the holidays and what I am going to do with/for my mom this year. It was obvious last year that 2 nights was too much/too confusing to her. I wouldn't be surprised if now 1 night away is confusing to her, but hopefully not. But that still makes it hard because that means having her stay only one night means having to drive either to pick her up or take her back on the actual holidays. Spending a couple hours driving isn't my idea of a nice holiday, either. Sigh.........

I just took some mail out to the mailbox and now know what the dogs were barking at. Their lawn maintenance guy showed up, haha. Doing fall lawn maintenance. I figured they were barking because someone had pulled in their driveway. When they are all barking and it only lasts a minute or two, that's what it usually is.


  1. But no kidding, I've lost two pounds in the last week- real pounds. It's a combination of extra walks, and because I'm not really watching TV when we have him, not even tempted for snacks. Once we all push through sleeping all night without bathroom needs, and biting/ chewing, he'll be a relaxing sort of dog I think. It might be puppy, but he's active, then tires easily and likes to just watch, lay next to you( or on my daughter's lap). But, 100% agree. Another dog is not what we wanted so once he gets more mature, and her schedule adjusts, he'll be here just occasionally. I'm too in October work he'll to think about the joys of the holidays. With my youngest gone, it'll feel odd. But, I can't be sad over her opportunity.

  2. I always quit watering right around Labor Day, so my Dh hasn’t mowed since the end of August. I think he mowed 4 times this summer, maybe 5. Of course it was almost a foot long back in June when he was finally able to do it for the first time because it wouldn’t stop raining lol. He’s very busy, especially in the fall, so the earlier he can scratch mowing off his list of things to do, the happier he is.


    1. During summer dh usually has to mow twice a week, or at least every 5 days. We have a sprinkler system so keep it watered and green. Now he's down to mowing about every week to 10 days. He's drained the sprinkler system but we've had some rain here and there to keep it green and still growing some. All's its going to take here is some freezing nights or snow, LOL.

  3. My Dh would never have time to mow that often. We’ve had years where he has had to do it every weekend, and that’s tough enough. My goal is to keep it greenish and alive. There were wells going dry last summer and that was kinda an eye opener for me, so I made a conscious decision to cut back. I decided I’d rather have water and a dead lawn, than a nice green lawn and no water lol.We have 2 wells, one deep and one rather shallow. I alternate between the two, but I don’t know if that makes a difference lol. Our yard looks nice enough, and better than most around me. It’s really green right now after the rain we got, but it’s magic grass-it greens right up, and will turn brown just as quickly. This time of year im ok with that. The lawn mower is put away for the season, and the 4 wheelers and snow blower are now accessible instead.


  4. Thanksgiving is this coming weekend in Canada and that is when we do our last mowing.
    Instead of your mom coming to visit, you should see if her place has a dinner for families.
    I used to work in a facililty like what your mom is in and some of the residents couldn`t or wouldn`t leave, so the families came and had Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with them in the dining room.

    1. I know they do holiday dinners for the residents that don't leave, but I'm not sure if families can join. Maybe one of these years we'll have to do that with her, when it gets too hard for her to move around much, if that happens. But for now we'd rather enjoy our holiday meals at our home. I just wish she was more comfortable (dementia wise) to stay more than one night.

  5. Oh gosh…the stink bugs were horrible here last year! I can’t stand them! Hope you can get things worked out for your mom to visit during the holidays. I know that’s tough to navigate now. I enjoy reading your updates about her.

    1. We'll figure something out. I guess none of it is ideal, now with her memory, but we'll do the best we can.

  6. ( Anne Brew )
    Could your gift to your DD be a weekend away somewhere just you and her? A pamper type of break? X

    1. That would be so much fun, but not going to happen this year, since we've spent so much on our new snow plow. DD lives about 450 miles from me, so getting either both of us or one of us to the other to go somewhere would be pretty costly.

  7. For DD's gift - what is something you truly wanted when you guys were building the current place? Maybe she would want that as well? As for your mom, one night is probably best OR you could give one day where you go and spend the holiday time with her in her room? Or take her out for a nice dinner/lunch. I wonder what their plan is at her residence for the holidays? Another solution is if her residence has guest suites, maybe you could overnight there?

    1. I'll have to think on that about what I wanted during building (a different contractor! LOL). One night is best for mom, so we'll just have to drive on the holiday to make it happen. We only live about 45 min away so don't really want to overnight there and dh would have no desire to do that. Plus when dd/sil are also here (they probably will be this Christmas) that won't work. I think right now the plan will be to get the turkey in the oven Christmas morning and then go pick her up to stay that night. Or go get her Christmas Eve and take her back after we eat dinner Christmas afternoon...I haven't quite decided which is the best of either bad plan, LOL. I'm sure at some point, when she's in memory care type place we'll just have to go visit her for a little bit and that will have to be our "normal" holidays for awhile.

    2. I would go get her on Christmas Day and take her back the day after. But, that is just me. Maybe your daughter would like a rock with their address chiseled into it. It might look great out front with landscaping around it. I think headstone companies do that. I suppose they don't chisel it...lol. You get the idea.

    3. That is the plan I am leaning towards, too. After we're up Christmas morning and get our turkey in the oven for the 3-4 hours it will take, then go in and pick her up and keep her the one night. I'm thinking same plan for Thanksgiving, too.
