Saturday, June 18, 2022

The tour and the new info

I got to the the UPS store and was in and out in about 5 minutes with my notarized document. They had an outgoing mail slot just outside, so I dropped it in the mail and that was done. Then I stopped at Walgreens for a few things and then to the assisted living place. A guy who handles the meds was my tour guide and showed me around and an "alcove" room. Which is basically a little bigger than a studio. The whole place was nice and had all been freshly painted inside.

I stopped in Petsmart and omg. they had the cutest kittens that look just like my cat. They were so playful. I didn't find what I was there for, but the kitties were a cute distraction. Then I went to Target and they are remodeling/rearranging that whole store. It took me twice as long to find the food items I wanted, plus the aisles were barely wide enough for one cart. Hopefully it's just temporary like that.

I got to mom's at noon and she was down for lunch so I checked in and went up to her apartment. Dang, only one washer was free and she had so much stuff I'm not sure why, usually she doesn't have that much, but I have a feeling she took a bunch of tops out of her closet or changed a lot, LOL. Then I started looking for her keys. No luck in her dresser drawers. Then there was an empty kleenex box on her nightstand so I put it in the garbage can I was filling with stuff and lifted up a thin notepad of paper and there were the dang keys! I got a bowl from her kitchen and taped my "put keys here" sign on it and set it on the table with the keys in it. Then I tried and tried to get her tv to work. It kept saying "HDMI 1" and then I'd move the cable to HDMI 1 on the back of her tv and nothing. I'd turn it back on and it would then say HDMI 3. Nothing I tried worked. I got the 2nd load in the washing machine before she got back. The power strip box/cover I bought wasn't big enough for the big black rectangle plugs her devices have. Bummer. I ended up not putting the outlet cover on behind the tv. Figured I couldn't get the tv working and if I'm moving her.....mostly I was dying of heat (then I turned the a/c on) and getting tired and exhausted. I did manage to fill up 2 kitchen sized garbage bags of "stuff" and dumped them in the big bin in the laundry room, so a little progress. 

She returned at 1. Oh ya, since she hasn't had her keys she's actually been remembering to NOT lock her door so she can get back in. She's mentioned a couple time the past couple days that the office was going to make her a new set but she didn't have them yet. We visited until 2 and I got her laundry all done. On my way out I stopped at the office (different lady this time) and told her I found the keys again. She said they just told her they would get her another set....but they weren't, LOL. I said I had a feeling that was probably what the deal was. Then I mentioned I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep her there. Then she said that the lady from the assisted place across the way had called her to say I was coming to look! I said yes, I just did. She said honestly, I don't think your mom needs to go there yet... have you tried calling "Liz" to see about getting her to help your mom? I'm like who is Liz? Liz and an employee she has basically work there for many of the other residents, doing exactly the sort of stuff my mom needs help with! She said they are there all day. Help people get ready in the mornings, help with showers, help with meds. She said it's much cheaper to hire her than living at the other place. I said I'll bet it is! She gave me Liz's phone number and I will be calling her Monday!! I told the office gal thank you so much! She made my day! I am at least going to give this Liz a try. I guess between her and her employee one of them is there all day from the sounds of it, going around taking care of their various clients/residents. I so hope this will work! It's definitely worth a try before moving her.

I found a cute new show on Netflix to watch. "God's Favorite Idiot" with Melissa McCarthy. 


  1. Haven't you asked about someone there doing just what Liz or friend will do? It seems I remember this. She is afraid someone will come in and take things with the door locked, but she is not afraid of leaving the door unlocked? Hopefully, the assistance where she is will be the means of helping her.

    Kittens are sooo cute to watch. I have cat allergies and am sensitive to dogs. I suppose I will have to get a fish. I thought you were going to say you brought a kitten home.

    1. I was given a name of a lady some time ago, when I asked about someone to do her laundry, say weekly. (different lady). I guess in my thinking, this lady, being one person, could not logistically help my mom 2x a day/7 days a week. So, I'd have to hire one of those elderly care services. My assumption on using those is that she'd probably constantly be having different people show up. I don't want that, so moving into an assisted living seems more "consistent" with care. But, if this "Liz" and her employee are the only 2 and constant and can be there 2x a day/7days a week, I am more than willing to give this a try for a month or two.

  2. This is interesting, Liz would be a good solution for a short time for sure!!

  3. This seems like this was discussed a long time ago. Again I’m a homecare nurse and your mom definitely needs more. Homecare for meds, laundry and hygiene is not uncommon and no most of the time it is not different people coming in. I think I’d mentioned long ago that almost all of my clients didn’t want help to start but later enjoyed the friend/helper. Often finances aren’t discussed, you handle her money and she’s at a point you can let her know “this is just their new rule now/it comes with your rent etc”. I guess I had thought you talked to her current manager before or scoped out home health. I’m actually surprised they haven’t contacted you with concerns with all the” lost keys” , even her neighbor worried about her. Now with all the clothes is she putting things on without showering, are you able to see how often she baths, brushes her teeth. When you mentioned how hot you were how would she know to put on her air conditioner? Heat can be very hard on the elderly especially when they may not drink adequately. I definitely hope the homecare situation is available.

    1. It was discussed but I have been managing those things she needs help with.Meds (I got the Hero system) and laundry (I do her laundry during my visits). But, now we have added issues that weren't there then: showers and making sure she's up and goes down for breakfast. She likes it warm. If you turn the a/c on she says she's cold. Seems common from what I read.
