Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Struggled morning

Monday evening the lady from our HVAC company texted me to ask if we'll be home in the morning. Their install/repair guy wanted to stop by to replace a switch. I'm like sure we'll be here, but we're clueless about this? are you sure it's for us? LOL. She said yes, it was something they put in, but didn't have the exact switch or something and now had the right part and he was going to be out in our area. Okie dokie, LOL. The funny part is I had been texting with her a few months ago, when we needed stop and pick up our filters. She said they were at the HVAC trade show in Vegas, but would get someone to leave us the filters with their next door company. Anyhow, that whole time I thought I was texting with the owner's wife (she works in the office, too, and they look a lot alike) but yesterday realized it was their office lady I had been texting with that whole time, LOL. Dh hadn't chatted with the hvac repair guy (not the owner) in awhile but when he was here putting in our whole system, dh really liked him. Turns out they have both been following our local murder mystery, so they had lots of notes to compare and theories. He's even been listening/watching the same podcasts about it dh has.

I called yesterday morning to see if the health insurance got dh added on and they did. She said a card was put in the mail Monday, but I could also go online, create his account, and print one. But, it wouldn't let me create his account. Kept saying I was entering invalid info. So, I had to call again. I was on hold quite a while and then she finally came back and said it was because they had just added him Monday and it takes 48 hours before the account can be created. Then she told me his ID # was the same exact# as mine and I can just show my card to the medical provider and also she gave me the ph# they can call to verify his eligibility. So, I ended up going into town with dh to get his blood drawn at the hospital lab, so I could make sure they got this new insurance set up for him. The lady that check us in was a HOOT! She was so funny. Then life flight helicopter landed (pretty common here, since this hospital can't really do much) and we were stuck inside there for a good 20 minutes longer, because it's right next to the parking lot and they won't let people out there until the helicopter takes back off. Anyway, we had lots of laughs chatting with her, LOL.

Then I got online with my mail order pharmacy to order my prescription refills and it said my plan benefit had ended. Huh? I have same insurance (it all just renewed 6/1), same id#, etc. Did they change mail order pharmacies? Looked online and it's still the same one. I then clicked on a link via my health insurance's website to "sync" my health insurance with the mail order pharmacy and it took me to my account with the pharmacy but still the same message. So, I had to call again. A half hour a 2 transfers later, it appears that the insurance company has just today gotten the mail order pharmacy the updates on everyone's eligibility, so it's going to be 24 hours before it will again show I have prescription insurance and then I should be able to order my refills. 

Pup is about the same. No worse, no better. Our appointment with the specialist is tomorrow, to do the nose scope. Hopefully we will find out more then and not just some more "we don't know" answer. His nose was dripping blood a little more yesterday than it had been, but I didn't find any from where he was sleeping last night. I took him outside after dinner last night and he spied a chipmunk down in the wood pile and trotted off to investigate for a few minutes, so that was good. I'm still waiting on the new food to try. It doesn't even appear they have shipped it yet. I'm still feeding him rice and chicken. The day before I added some scrambled egg to it. Yesterday I remembered I had some pumpkin puree, so I added some of that to his dinner last night.

UGHHH. My mom has "lost" her keys again. I can see/hear her this morning getting ready to go down for breakfast (that I had to call her again) and she's looking for her keys. I heard her say "where's my keys?". Well, I guess since we will be in the city tomorrow for the dog, I can stop in and find her keys again. But, I can't be running in every other day to find her keys. I called that assisted living place yesterday and left a voicemail with the asst. director to mail me the info. It doesn't appear it will be in today's mail either. I'm watching her on the camera. Now it's almost 8am. She should be downstairs and seated. I guess I'm going to have to call her again. I feel like I'm spying or calling so much, but then I reminded myself she will have no memory that I just called at 7:15 to wake her up.

Oh boy. So I just called her (she had been in bathroom I guess) and told her I was just making her sure gets down for breakfast as it starts in a few minutes. She said she was just finishing going to the bathroom and was going down. I asked did you lose your keys again? She said "oh...I don't think so. They should be on my table". Ok....well if you can't find them, just leave your door unlocked when you go down and I call you later about finding them. She was literally just 5 minutes before looking for her keys. Now it's 8:02 and she's wandering around her apt looking for her keys, so most likely she's going to miss breakfast. I just called again. I told her she needs to get down to breakfast and she said "I can't find my keys" I again said just leave your apt door unlocked and go down and when you get back I'll call you to give you some ideas of where to look for them. I think she has now finally went downstairs. I doubt I'll be able to get her to find her keys, but at least she's gotten her breakfast today again.

She also seemed a bit confused last night when it was time to take her pills at 6:30. She had just gotten back from being down since dinner, so even a little later than normal. She was going on about something she just got back from. A few of them in this room having to look over papers and she didn't want to be there? I said well, dinner just finished up not too long ago? She said No, there wasn't dinner. I said ?? you didn't get dinner (I know she went down at least a half hour before dinner). She said, well they had a little food there. I kept trying to ask her what she was doing but she couldn't really think of any words to tell me, so I gave up. Finally, I just kept "redirecting" her from talking about it, and would say, ok, it's time to take your pills when we hang up (she had them in her hand). We hang up and then I watch her just sit there and look at the pills in her hand not knowing what to do. Then she starts picking up pieces of paper on her desk, like maybe on of those will tell her what to do. I sat and watched for at least a few minutes, in my head screaming "just get up and go to the sink and take the pills!".  Then she mumbled something about if she was supposed to take these pills in her hand or not. I called again to keep saying "ok, go ahead and take the pills in your hand, those are for tonight". Then she wanted to know how she gets tomorrow's pills then? Finally, after we hung up, this time she walked over to the sink and took them.


  1. ( Anne Bee 🐝 )
    It’s so frustrating for you at the moment; you’re having to prompt her minute by minute which just isn’t a long term solution.
    I think you’re quite right to be planning that next move. Not so long ago it felt too soon to be planning and thinking that way but all of a sudden it’s coming down the track.
    I’m not sure she’ll even be too upset now by the move to the next stage of assistance. She’s experiencing confusion now that is maybe upsetting for her ( or maybe it isn’t but it certainly is for you ) x

    1. it does seem to be somewhat upsetting to her (at the time). I did just talk to her after she returned from breakfast and directed her to look around and feel under things in her dresser drawer. She found them! Then wanted to know where to leave them? I said just leave them on your table! that's where you've had them for 2 years with no problems. She then said "well, I guess I worry someone might come in and take them" I said if they are already in your apt, then they don't need your keys to get it..she said oh, I guess you are right about that!

    2. ( Anne Bee 🐝)
      Oh dear!
      I know what she means but at the same time it makes no sense!
      I’m like that though - last thing at night I lay my phone face down on the table. Who do I think is going to break in and read it?! x

    3. LOL. I had to start laying my phone face down on my nightstand, because I have that "motion alert" set up on mom's camera at night, so I can check to see how much she's getting up. But, it kept lighting up my phone and waking me up sometimes, or it would wake dh up and he's say "your phone is notifying you about something". LOL

  2. I think assisted living is sooner than later. It's sad to read & you to see in real time.
    I'm hoping for positive news on the pup.

    1. I don't think she'll be able to live there too much longer. It's strange how suddenly she will go like 5 or 6 days getting up on her own, takes her pills without my help, seeming to figure things out fairly well, and then go days where she can't and then back to where she can. I was hoping getting her back on track with daily breakfasts would help get her back on track, but it's not seeming to :(

  3. Murder? What murder???
    I wonder if your mother did eat? Did she wander into a room where people were signing things? Maybe she would feel better putting the keys in the drawer again? She won't remember the logic of if they are already in, they won't need keys.

    I am glad you did not try to tell her no one is coming in. Safety and security is at the top of all our minds, so she may never forget those cares even if she cannot remember anything else!

    Fingers crossed for pup.

    1. oh gosh, the murder mystery is a long story. A lady went missing last summer, believed to have drowned in the river, along with her dog. Her abusive ex questioned but no evidence. River searched several times for a 100 miles. Finally just a few weeks ago, her body was, washed up on the river bank. It's a mystery and trying to read about it just brings up more and more questions. None of it makes much sense.
      I'd be fine if mom put her keys in a drawer....but then she can no longer remember she put them there :(

    2. I just thought maybe she would look in the drawer, too. Maybe not!
      It does sound mysterious. Maybe he will catch covid...referring to my post on Wednesday.
