Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lost and found

Well, dd and I about had a heart attack yesterday. Back when my mom sold her home (Sept 2019) and was moving to the senior apartment where her BF lived, DD took a day to go help her pack things. Years prior, my mom had showed me where she kept 3 rings hidden. Her house had been broken into a year or two prior, so I guess she thought putting 3 rings inside a "breathe rite strip box" was safe? It was up in her bathroom medicine cabinet. There was her wedding ring (which she took off after my dad died and she started seeing her BF), an emerald ring, that was her birthstone and another ring I don't remember. When dd was texting me while helping her pack she actually remembered about that box! I'm like find it!! My mom had already emptied out her bathroom into boxes. Dd frantically searched, hoping that the little box just didn't get tossed out, because obviously my mom had forgotten all about it and found it in one of the boxes she had already packed bathroom stuff. She opens the box and there is only one ring in there. Her diamond wedding ring. No clue whatsoever what she could/would have done with the 2 other rings. But, at least the wedding ring was there. It has one large diamond on a gold band.

DD said they had a safe at home, so we figured that was a much better place for it to get put then in moving boxes!! DD told my mom she was going to take it and keep it safe for her, at least until she got moved, but the plan was just to give it to me to keep for her. We have a large safe in our house. So, then the last 2 times I saw dd, which was when she helped move her over here a year ago and then when she came for a visit last October. We totally forgot about her bringing the ring to me, until after her last visit. This time, we both remembered and she is to bring it with her today.

Only she messages me yesterday morning that she went to get the ring and it's not in her safe or anywhere else she looked. Am I sure she didn't give it back to me? I'm like no, 99.9% positive. I would have remembered looking at it (I haven't seen it in person for years, since my mom showed me that box in her medicine cabinet) and would have remembered putting it inside my safe. DD says she's tore up her house looking for it. I went down and opened our safe and looked. No ring. Plus dd said she herself put it in a little velvet bag she had, which I have never seen, either. I know I didn't have it. I'm thinking to myself how does this get lost?? She was supposed to keep it in her safe. I was so disappointed. About 10 minutes later dd messages me and she found it. Inside a little purse in her closet. I'm like why wasn't this ring in your safe where it was supposed to have been put?! Geez Louise!!! She's bringing it with her.

Then dd remembered. She did bring it over with her last trip (she also brought a lot of other stuff, too) but we got preoccupied with them only being here 2 days and she forgot to give it to me and I forgot to remind her to give it to me, so it ended up going back home with her. So, that's why it didn't get put back in her safe, she had it in that purse, inside her regular purse and when they got back home she put the purse in her closet, forgetting about the ring. Whew!

I have no idea what I'll ever do with that ring, but certainly don't want it lost and if my mom ever did ask about it again (she hasn't ever) I can show it to her or give it back to her, if she wanted to actually wear it again. I doubt she would and I certainly wouldn't want her leaving it in her jewelry box where she lives or if she goes into assisted living/nursing home. I said that ring apparently just likes to be hidden, lost, and found, haha. I have no idea what it might be worth, but it's a good sized diamond on it.


  1. Wow! At least you found it at the end. Wouldn't you wear it? Nice rings should be worn and even if they get lost at some point, at least they would have been worn and loved.

    1. I guess I hadn't thought about wearing it, since it's a wedding ring and not my wedding ring, LOL. And it's a pretty big diamond, I think I'd feel conspicuous haha! I'm probably the only one who could wear it - I have tiny small fingers like my mom ;)

  2. The Odyssey of the Ring
    Well, I am glad you found it. It is funny how things end up in strange places and lost when actually the purpose was to protect the item.

    1. we shouldn't hide things - then we forget where we hid them, haha.

  3. Wow! That was some run around. I would have gone nuts. Now it all makes sense. lol whew!
    It's very pretty. It looks like at least 1 carat size wise. Is there a jeweler you could take it to for an appraisal? I know it's more of a sentimental issue but that can't be replaced.
    I have my mom's rings. I don't wear them but I would die if I lost them.

    1. I'm sure there are jewelers in the city who could give me an appraisal. Honestly, it's doesn't hold a ton of sentimental value to me (that's just me). It might have if my mom still wore it, but as soon as she started seeing her BF after my step dad passed, she stopped wearing it. I don't even know how one sells something like that (not that I would sell it while she is still alive). Mostly, I'm just making sure it's safe and put away because it probably is worth a little bit, haha.

    2. If there's no sentimental value, I would sell it. Keep it for a rainy day$$$$$$

    3. I probably will look into selling it once my mom passes.

  4. You should ask your mom is she wants to have the diamond set in a pendant she could wear. That would be really pretty for her!

    1. that's a good idea to use the diamond for. But, I'm a little afraid to have something like that in her jewelry box, where she won't (remember) to wear it much and housekeepers coming in, etc.

  5. Would you hold it and offer to a future generation as an engagement wedding ring? I'm still a bit miffed that my DH was offered his grandmothers first wedding ring (his grandp had died and she remarried) when we got engaged and he said, no becasue he had given me a small ring already! I would have loved a famiy ring for my wedding set, and woudl have passed it down. She later offered to his brother,and now my SIL has the ring, but wears it as a right hand ring. As the oldest grandchild, he didnt get she was offering it to him as part of her legacy. I'm hoping my MIL offers my son,if he ever decides to marry, her ring. He wwould only marry someone who would appreciate that more than a brand new ring. Probalby not though, as the same brother has three sons and a dughter and they are the favorite grandchildren, even though my son is the eldest grandson.

    1. I'm sure it will sit in my safe for years and years and finally some day I'll give it (back!) to my daughter to figure out what to do with it, LOL.
