Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hummingbirds and phone calls

It was nice having the extra day off work yesterday. We didn't hear any additional fireworks beyond July 4th, like we did last year, the day after. It's still too hot outside. 96 yesterday. I did sit out on the patio for while later morning, while it was still shady there and still bearable. I sat and watched the hummingbirds


I had thought dh would mow yesterday, so I was going to mop the floors. It's easier to do when he's (and the dog) not inside walking around on them, but he's not doing it until today. I'll probably take a work break today and at least spot clean the worst areas (where dog often lays and drools, LOL).

From the time neighbors son, family, and dogs left Saturday, it was like neighbors weren't even home the rest of the weekend. They shut the doors and never came out again. Which is strange, as when they are home they are often outside doing this or that and, at least for a few hours, their garage door for their lawn stuff is always open. 

DD said her area was surprisingly not that bad on the 4th. She said the quietest 4th she's ever had anywhere. I told her that our old neighbor said it was even worse where we used to live, if that's even possible. Her dh was spending the weekend helping his dad, post surgery, and dd said that's one reason she stayed home with their dogs, as she knew it would be horrible down there, where her in-laws live.

We heard of one fire just on the other side of our town, caused by fireworks. Some guy caught his grass on fire and then his mobile home. Another in a nearby town, that sounds like a big one. A huge hay barn, filled with hay burned down. It's one of those open type barns, with basically just a roof covering the hay. Apparently a spark got in there and smoldered and didn't even start on fire until a couple hours after they were done and gone. Both our town and this town are just volunteer fire depts. They don't have the manpower or equipment to be going to and putting out multiple fires at once and it sounds like there were several fires in this other town (more populated).

I'm now watching season 2 of Goliath. Not as good as season 1, so far (I'm on episode 3). 

Linda - my lamp is delayed yet again! They put it back on my credit card on Friday and then the next day I get an email that it's delayed again. 

Apparently Tractor Supply wants me to send back the damaged wagon wheels and they will send (probably same company) a truck to pick up. Well, they are getting them back just as we got them. Loose and not packaged, LOL. In the meantime we haven decided not to even use them on the bridge. DH is going to get some really thick rope and use that across each side, which I think will look neat.

I typically just keep my phone ringer off and it's on vibrate. I hate a ringing phone. Probably PTSD from years of when dh was self employed and it was just constant calling me to take care of things and he was a constant asshole about 90% of it. Anyhow, I was taking a nap yesterday, phone on my nightstand. I heard it buzz and looked at it was my mom. I decided to just give her a call back in a bit, after I'm done taking a nap. Then it buzzed again a couple minutes later with a 2nd call. I saw she had left a voicemail with the first, so I listened to make sure it wasn't anything urgent. It was just her saying (again) she was trying to figure out if her phone was working. I just wanted to nap! Within 5 minutes 2 more calls. OMG! So, I get up, use the bathroom, and she called again. Six times in total in 17 minutes. I called her back and she didn't even know why she had just called me 6 times. I just said I was busy for a few minutes and couldn't answer, but I see you called 6 times! LOL. I said you left a voicemail that you were trying to see if your phone worked and she said oh yes, I wasn't sure if it was and was just worrying myself. She said she even tried uncle. I see from her cell phone call log she did call him, after the first time she called me. Her call log only shows a call if the other person answers, so it only looks like she called me once, haha.

I think that if she calls someone (which is usually just me and rarely uncle) and they don't answer she now thinks something is wrong with her phone. And I think when she gets herself worrying like that she doesn't remember that she just called 2, 3, 4, 5 times already. I had hoped that by having my voicemail fixed now and that she could leave a message, she'd realize I just can't take her call right then. Sometimes she does, but that's getting less often. 

So, not much of a nap at all, yesterday, haha. Usually I try to call her before I take a nap, because if I don't she will inevitably call. Sometimes I just need a break from it all for an hour or so.

When we were out driving Friday night to get away from the bombing fireworks, dh noticed a few times the headlights dimming and he's not sure what's causing that. We had talked quite awhile back that we should be proactive and replace the battery, but he never did. So, he called and ordered on from the auto parts store in town yesterday and they said they will have it in today. Not sure if that will fix the problem (could be alternator or a grounding issue dh said) but at least it will be a new battery and not die on me 50 miles from home one of these days.


  1. LOL, I am getting antsy about the bird lamp!
    What kind of work did your husband do?
    There was just a bit of fireworks here and only once for a very short time on Monday.
    I think the rope will look better than the wagon wheels.
    It has always been the alternator when I had dimming lights. I hope your car does not stop and strand you.

    1. dh worked in heavy construction industry. I think the rope will look better, the wagon wheels are also too much of a different color stain then the bridge was stained. I always thought it was the alternator, too.

  2. Oh, I meant to say that I loved the glimpse into your yard and all the hummingbirds. I aspire to that myself.

  3. Loved that view too Parsimony ( just wish I could leave comments on your own blog instead of using this kind lady's! )
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves their phone on vibrate. I really hate the noise of a full volume phone going off; it always makes me jump!

    1. it makes me jump, too. And if I miss a call, I'll see the notification and can call right back.

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